[comp.windows.ms] WIN QVT NET probs

wew@naucse.cse.nau.edu (Bill Wilson) (01/30/91)

I have been having a few problems with wnqvt/net.  The following is 
a list:

1) hold screen and ctrl-s do not stop the screen.

2) when ftp'ing and using mget, the wildcard list comes up twice.

3) Every so often in ftp, the cursor stops blinking and my
   machine crashes.

4) when ftp'ing, I hot key to another window and my keyboard does
   not respond until the ftp transfer is done.

Have any of your experienced these problems?

Thanks for any help!

Let sleeping dragons lie........               | The RoleMancer 
Bill Wilson             (Bitnet: ucc2wew@nauvm | wilson@nauvax)
Northern AZ Univ  Flagstaff, AZ 86011