[comp.windows.ms] ATM and downloading PS fonts to printer problem...

indra@brahms.amd.com (Indra Singhal) (02/13/91)

As per the instructions with the fonts at cica, I modified the WIN.INI
softfont(n)= entry to include the ',d:/path/fontname.pfb'. While I have
no problem printing to either the HP LJ nor my trusty Epson FX-80, funky
fonts on postscript printer comes out 'courier'... Inspection of the
file itself has no sign of any thing that resembles downloaded fonts.

Called Adobe... they asked me to buy their fonts :-) if I wanted
support! ATM support didn't cut it!!


iNDRA | indra@amd.com or {ames apple uunet}!amd!indra
      | (Indra Singhal) (408) 749-5445; Advanced Micro Devices
      | MS 167; Box 3453; 901, Thompson Pl., Sunnyvale, CA 94088

tj@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca (Terry Jones) (02/13/91)

When I contacted Adobe about a similar problem WITH and Adobe font
the tech support advised me that the win.ini had to be manually modified
When you install for a PostScript printer ATM doesn't
automatically include the font as a download font because ATM
doesn't know whether your PostScript printer NEEDS the font. You may have
a hard disk on your printer with fonts, your printer may have the font
builtin, or you may have a font cartridge.

Here is a part of my Win.ini file. You can see that the first font
has been manually edited to add the second part which advises about the
download file. Note that the second and third fonts do not have the
download part and therefore unless that font is builtin or pre-loaded
the printout will contain Courier (my favorite) in place of those.


Hope this helps some folks!
