[comp.windows.ms] Enveloper and Dinger

mhuth@max.u.washington.edu (02/20/91)

I've placed copies of Enveloper 3.0 and Dinger 3.0 in cica.cica.indiana.edu.
These are Macro's developed by Woody Leonhard for word for windows and
are fantastic!  Enveloper allows laserprinters to print envelopes from within
word for windows documents.  One may simply mark the address (or allow the
macro to do it automatically) and send it to the printer.  This macro has
had thousands of downloads from compuserve and I've seen nothing but praise
for it.  The second Macro is called Dinger.  This allows you to select any
character from any font available on your system and include it in a document.
For example, if you wish to include a dingbat character in your document, you
would simply select the macro and pick the character you want from a table wh
which pops up on your screen...poof the character appears in your document.
Fantastic, really.  Woody asked me to upload them here.  He's preparing a
more complete description of them for me to upload.