(Per Arne Sletner) (03/01/91)
Borland released 'Borland C++' for window on the 12. february this year. I have tried to get information about upgrading my Turbo C (V.2.00) with debugger to the new package. In the US i have heard that the upgrade price for me would bee $100 ($150 if I did not have the Debugger). I would then receive new manuals, diskettes and for a limited time the Petzold guide for windows programming. I have just started to program for Windows 3.0 - and find the Microsoft tools difficult to get used to. I realy need the remote debugging that come with Borland C++. Besides the MSC 6.0 compiler is slow on my 16 MHz 386. Software houses in Norway had almost no information about when the programs would arrive. But estimated from 3-6 months! As I eager to get started with my debugging I wonder if anyone in the US would help me upgrading? I do not need the Petzold book - as I allready have it - and I would be willing to pay all your expences + some for the work. Please, if anyone could help me I'll send my original diskettes with a cheque for upgrade & postage + expences. Per Arne Sletner " Drilling for oil is boring "