[comp.windows.ms] HELP!!! HELP!!! WinQVT/Com4... Another one here. I tried!

cs060128@csusac.csus.edu (H Philip Chen) (03/10/91)

Help please!  Yup, I know this a very FAQ and I ready to be blasted to from
all directions.  I'm having trouble trying to configure my SYSTEM.INI file.
I have WinQVT 4.55 and I can't get it to work.  I have already RTFM and also
RTFreadme file and what on earth were they trying so say?  You guys remember
the part in italics in that .wri file, "...port=1...hang-up...".  Wow! What??!!
The author could have just said "Set port=4 if the modem is in Com4.".  Just
nine words could have explained what the 4-5 lines meant in that don't-
have-a-clue paragraph.  In addition, I have tried to add Com4Base=2E8h (3E8h,
2F8h, and 3F8h) and they didn't work.  Plus, for each of the above, I also
tried Com4Irq, Com4IrqSharing, and every Com-something that I came across. I've
even physically changed the modem to Com3 and to Com2 and tried the same
but it didn't work either.  So now it's back to Com4 and BitCom in DOS.  The
only one time that WinQVT worked was when I set port=2 in DEFAULT.VT and I got
to look around in the program.  However I could not dial because the modem
was in Com4.  (It was dialing my IO board, not the modem!)
     Here's the hardware in case it helps:  386-25 running enhanced, 4MB,
AMI bios (4/09/90), Opti board, CHIPS, 2400b internal modem at Com4,
multi-IO board (Com1=mouse, Com2=no device, LPT1=printer), Com3 not assigned.
     Can some kind netters please give me some hints...  Email or follow-up,
whichever you prefer (to save netbytes, email would be better. I'll summarize.)
Is there another magic Base Address?  What have I missed out?  What should
I do next? 

Thanks in advance.


PS.  I tried Uni..2c too.  Didn't work either.  Got lots of nag-$$-nag though.