[comp.windows.ms] MS Windows word processor -> PCX/BMP??

tierney@belegost.endor.cs.psu.edu (Michael B Tierney) (03/13/91)

In article <27874@netcom.COM> cmilono@netcom.COM (Carlo Milono) writes:
>In article <bq2Gi1b&@cs.psu.edu> tierney@belegost.endor.cs.psu.edu (Michael B Tierney) writes:
>>This may seem a bit odd, but I'd like to convert a RTF (or Word for Windows) 
>>document to a windows picture format (PCX or BMP) using the original screen 
>>fonts as generated by Adobe Type Manager.  
>This ability is actually *built-in* to Windows 3.0, which I assume you
>are using (and not just the files); bring up your application, like
>WinWord, and use one of the available 'print-to-clipboard' options such
>as Alt-Prtscr.  This places the actual bitmap of your application into
>the Clipboard.  You then can 'minimize' that app, fire up the dinky Paint
>program, paste the clipboard (via the Edit menu), modify if needed and
>save as a PCX.

     This method puts the contents of the current window (including the 
window itself) into the clipboard, however, I am looking for something 
that will take an entire document, and put it into a series of graphics 
files (or one big long one).  My reason for this is so that the file can 
be sent over a sendfax modem using the original fonts that I used in the 
document.  Any insights??

Mike Tierney                 "Religion and sex are power plays, manipulate
tierney@endor.cs.psu.edu     the people for the money they'll pay, selling
MBT3@PSUVM.PSU.EDU           skin, selling God, the numbers look the same 
mbt@ECLU.psu.edu             on their credit cards."    - Geoff Tate

cd5340@mars.njit.edu (David Charlap) (03/14/91)

In article <x8Gn0$$@cs.psu.edu> tierney@belegost.endor.cs.psu.edu (Michael B Tierney) writes:
>     This method puts the contents of the current window (including the 
>window itself) into the clipboard, however, I am looking for something 
>that will take an entire document, and put it into a series of graphics 
>files (or one big long one).  My reason for this is so that the file can 
>be sent over a sendfax modem using the original fonts that I used in the 
>document.  Any insights??
Any likelyhood that your sendfax modem could install into print manager?
Then you could print your document in fax form to a file.  The fonts
and everything would work OK (I think).  Is there a fax-code printer
driver for Windows?
David Charlap                   "Invention is the mother of necessity"
cd5340@mars.njit.edu            "Necessity is a mother"
Operators are standing by	"mother!" - Daffy Duck