[comp.windows.ms] Unrecoverable error - Terminating App?

defaria@hpcupt3.cup.hp.com (Andy DeFaria) (03/16/91)

I fed up now!  This happens just to frequently to ignore it any longer.  I
seem to get Windows applications die mysteriasly (sp?) with the message
"Unrecoverable error - Terminating application" or some such (I'm sure you've
seen it too!).  What causes this to happen?  I seem to get it when I click on
things quickly, before something else has finished.  But it's not reproducible
and seems to be very random in nature.  Sometimes any and every application
blows up with this whenever I activate it (uniconify) or try to start it.  I've
had Write, for example, refuse to come up.  It kept having this error.
Stopping and starting windows again cleared it up but why does it happen?

Oh, I have an HP Classic Vectra (286).
