(Busby, James) (03/19/91)
This is a question I posted in c.w.m.p and I think it should rightly go here: Due to the growing number of Windows applications and the "ease of use" of a GUI, the Faculty advisor for our PC lab thought it might be a good idea to move from our current menu driven system to a windows system. The biggest problem myself and the other lab administrators and technicinas had was with security. We are looking for a program (commercial or PD) that will do the following: 1) Prevent Exit from windows to dos prompt w/o Password. 2) Password protect all file manipulation programs. 3) Password protect any icon or .PIF we choose. Essientally we just want the students to be able to click on the icon and run the program, period. And those applications that are necessarry to update or add software be password protected for lab management. Our major concerns are the deletion of necessarry files by "accident", copying of programs off the Hard Drives and the usual spread of nasties like Trojan Horses and Viruses. Other concerns are that this is an Engineering Laboratory. We maintain AutoCAD 11, Matrix X, and other memory and processor intensive drawing and modeling programs that don't run under windows and we question the performance penality even though we have 33Mhz 386 w/387 's with 4meg. Any information about how to run a secure windows enviorment in "semi-public" access laboratory would be greatly appreciated. ============================================================================= James Busby | Internet: Texas A&M Mechanical Engineering Department | PC Support Services | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------