dick@prisma.cv.ruu.nl (Dick Bakker) (03/19/91)
Hello, I'm writing an application that looks like the paintbrush program from Microsoft: a main window with a drawing area and some buttons/ controls on each side of this area. My problem is: I want to have some controls : buttons/listboxes etc in my main window that can directly be selected by the user. I used a modeless dialog box that I positioned next to my drawing area but this is highlighted every time you switch from the graphics area to the dialog box. My questions are: -1- Can I place a button/list box inside my main window (e.g. with the CreateWindow call) -2- Can I define these controls in a resource or must they be declared in the program itself. -3- Is there a way to bypass the highlighting with my modeless dialog box inside the main window. Thanks in advance, Dick Bakker
tedb@hpcvra.cv.hp.com. (Ted Beers) (03/20/91)
/ hpcvra.cv.hp.com:comp.windows.ms / dick@prisma.cv.ruu.nl (Dick Bakker) / 1:43 pm Mar 18, 1991 / > My problem is: I want to have some controls : buttons/listboxes etc > in my main window that can directly be selected by the user. > I used a modeless dialog box that I positioned next to my drawing area > but this is highlighted every time you switch from the graphics area to > the dialog box. > Dick Bakker You can create controls within your main window, without having them be contained in a dialog box. See the Windows SDK Guide to Programming, Chapter 8 ("Controls"), for more information. Ted W. Beers