[comp.windows.ms] wnqvtnet working on 33mhz machine?

pcb@cacs.usl.edu (Peter C. Bahrs) (03/29/91)

Second post.  I have qvtnet 1.5 working fine on a ps/2 16mhz 70, a compaq
325e  (ubnicps2 and 3c501 respectively).
I can't get it to work on a dell 386-33 or a compuad 386-33 both with
western digital cards.  When I double click on  the icon, progman
icons, but nothing runs, and no errors.
I know the card works...I can get packet drivers, ipx, net3 and ftpbin/
telbin to work under dos windows.
I thought about changing the irq # to 7 or 10 or something????
Any ideas?