[comp.windows.ms] Multitasking Problem

morrow@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Clifton P. Morrow) (03/31/91)

I've finally installed Windows 3.0.  I'm running it on an IBM PS/2 55SX
with 2 Meg of RAM on the system board.  I've made an 8 Meg permanent
swapfile.  I think I should be able to multitask two non-Windows
applications, but I can't get it to work (errors range from insufficient
memory, please close other apps;  to insufficient memory for this app's
video).  I've been using ProComm Plus and Turbo Pascal 5.5 as my two 
test non-W apps.

About Program Manager says I'm in 386 Enhanced Mode with 8495K free (with
PCPLUS running, with [conventional] KB desired set to 640K).  I
have tried various PIF settings for both PCPLUS and TURBO (both basic and
advanced PIF options for 386 enhanced mode).  It seems that
no matter what I do, the apps use only conventional memory.  They don't
both fit in 640K, so I haven't been able to run both.  How can I direct
them to use less of conventional memory and more of the swapfile?

I have read the manual, and I did check this group for a FAQ before
posting.  I can send more details by e-mail if needed.  Please reply by 
e-mail, and I'll post the solution that works.