[comp.windows.ms] Sound files on cica...

aaron@jessica.Stanford.EDU (Aaron Wallace) (04/01/91)

I've uploaded three volumes of Sounder-format .SND files to cica.cica.
indiana.edu (, for those who care).  They're now in uploads;
hopefully they'll end up in util/sound or something similar.  The files

sounds1 and 2.zip : these are the files from msdos.archive.umich.edu,
	except in .SND format
sounds3.zip: these are files from sumex-aim.stanford.edu, converted for use
	on the PC.  A few of them don't seem to sound right at any frequency,
	but it's probably just that I don't recognize the reference.

Hopefully more sumex sounds will make it to cica in a bit.

***Blatant self-serving plug***
Oh, and in case you don't know, you can use Sounder to play the sound
files.  It's also at cica, requires no hardware, and costs $2 to register.
***End plug***


Aaron Wallace