( David Krassen) (03/29/91)
Hello, I have a Tandy 4000SX (80386 SX) with 2 megabytes of ram, and DOS 4.01. When I run QEMM 5.11, I cannot run certain DOS programs that require more memory than most DOS application (i.e. 512K). It cannot find enough memory, however, if I use himem everything is fine. Do you have any suggestions? I have tried the obvious things like nosort, ram and emmexclude in my system.ini file. One additional thing, I have a SCSI adapter which requires that I exclude certain memory addresses under QEMM, but not under himem - I assume that himem cannot address this memory by default and QEMM tries to. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
RBYAML@ROHVM1.BITNET (Aengus Lawlor) (04/01/91)
In article <>, ( David Krassen) says: > I have a Tandy 4000SX (80386 SX) with 2 megabytes of ram, >and DOS 4.01. When I run QEMM 5.11, I cannot run certain DOS programs >that require more memory than most DOS application (i.e. 512K). >It cannot find enough memory, however, if I use himem everything >is fine. Do you have any suggestions? I have tried the obvious >things like nosort, ram and emmexclude in my system.ini file. >One additional thing, I have a SCSI adapter which requires >that I exclude certain memory addresses under QEMM, but not >under himem - I assume that himem cannot address this memory >by default and QEMM tries to. QEMM sets up a 64K EMS page-frame, which normally goes in hi-ram (above 640k), but if there isn't a gap big enough for it, it will go into the 640k range. Type QEMM TYPE MAP to see a diagram of what's where in RAM. If that is the problem, and you decide you don't need EMS, you can put FRAME=NONE in your CONFIG.SYS (on the device=qemm386.sys line), or you can make QEMM use a 16, 32 or 48k EMS frame buffer. (FRAME=xxxx) In my experience, this is the only part of QEMM that will eat up DOS memory (ie below the 640k line). >Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. I hope this helps. -- RBYAML@ROHMHAAS.COM Aengus Lawlor (who used to be RBYAML@ROHVM1.BITNET Rohm & Haas, Bristol PA.