[comp.windows.ms] NNTP Parser Wanted == Non-Ethernet!

chanel@mensa.usc.edu (chanel summers) (04/09/91)

I'm looking for an MSDOS or Windows application which will allow the reading
and posting of NNTP News items.  I'd like to know if a program exists which
allows the user to download mail items from a remote server (over a standard
modem rather than via Ethernet) and read, reply or post to the groups.
I know about WinQVTNet and Snuz but both require a network connection.  I'd
like to find something that works like TapCIS or QuickMail/SLMR.

ntaib@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Nur Iskandar Taib) (04/09/91)

>I know about WinQVTNet and Snuz but both require a network connection.  I'd
>like to find something that works like TapCIS or QuickMail/SLMR.

WinQVT/NET does support SLIP (Serial Line IP). Problem of course is
how does one go about getting a SLIP connection??? Does it work over
a modem? How does SLIP work?

Iskandar Taib                        | The only thing worse than Peach ala
Internet: NTAIB@AQUA.UCS.INDIANA.EDU |    Frog is Frog ala Peach
Bitnet:   NTAIB@IUBACS               !

leoh@sirius.Berkeley.EDU (Leo Hinds) (04/10/91)

> WinQVT/NET does support SLIP (Serial Line IP). Problem of course is
> how does one go about getting a SLIP connection??? Does it work over
> a modem? How does SLIP work?

WinQVT/net *REQUIRES* the use of the Clarkson packet drivers.  The
packet drivers support
SLIP (read the packet driver info for more details ... I do not use slip).

leoh@hdw.csd.harris.com         	Leo Hinds       	(305)973-5229
Gfx ... gfx ... :-) whfg orpnhfr V "ebg"grq zl fvtangher svyr lbh guvax V nz n
creireg ?!!!!!!? ... znlor arkg gvzr