[comp.windows.ms] Unequal line spacing in WfW

knotts@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com (Tom Knotts) (04/06/91)

I am editing a file with single-spaced lines with equations and symbols.
The line spacing is varying all over the place. For example, I have one
sentence which contains the symbol "delta". This "D" is no larger than
the CenturySchoolbook characters in the rest of the line (yes, I'm using
PostScript). But WfW adds an additional ~30% space between this line and
the line above it. It seems to think that this symbol is large and
requires extra space to prevent it from overlapping the line above.
I will try fix it by switching line spacing from auto to fixed, but it
seems to me that the auto-spacing feature should work better.

Any hints?



landers@zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu (Christopher Landers) (04/09/91)

In article <69220015@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com> knotts@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com (Tom Knotts) writes:
>I am editing a file with single-spaced lines with equations and symbols.
>The line spacing is varying all over the place. For example, I have one
>sentence which contains the symbol "delta". This "D" is no larger than
>the CenturySchoolbook characters in the rest of the line (yes, I'm using
>PostScript). But WfW adds an additional ~30% space between this line and
>the line above it. It seems to think that this symbol is large and
>requires extra space to prevent it from overlapping the line above.
>I will try fix it by switching line spacing from auto to fixed, but it
>seems to me that the auto-spacing feature should work better.
>Any hints?

Auto line spacing will choose the line space to be as tall as the tallest char.
on the line.  Choose a fixed space to prevent this problem.  If, for example, 
you choose 2 ln (or 24pt) and you have a symbol that is 36pt, that symbol
overlap the prev./next line.  Sometimes, this looks OK.

As a rule, I don't like auto line spacing.  I usually choose 1 ln (12pt) 
at the begining of typeing and adjust individual lines as necessary.

   || Christopher Landers           || PURDUE UNIVERSITY - KRAN 708 ||
   || Krannert Computing Center     || West Lafayette, IN  47907    ||
   <=================== landers@zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu ================>

rfutscher@pbs.org (04/09/91)

In article <69220015@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com>, knotts@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com (Tom Knotts) writes:
> I am editing a file with single-spaced lines with equations and symbols.
> The line spacing is varying all over the place. For example, I have one
> sentence which contains the symbol "delta". This "D" is no larger than
> the CenturySchoolbook characters in the rest of the line (yes, I'm using
> PostScript). But WfW adds an additional ~30% space between this line and
> the line above it. It seems to think that this symbol is large and
> requires extra space to prevent it from overlapping the line above.
> I will try fix it by switching line spacing from auto to fixed, but it
> seems to me that the auto-spacing feature should work better.
    I had a simular problem when I used dingbats in a document. My problems 
went away when I started to use Adobie Type Manager. Microsoft said that they
knew about the problem and it may be fixed in the next version (v2.0).

Robert Futscher     rfutscher@pbs.org

ar12@prism.gatech.EDU (REGISTER,ANDREW H) (04/09/91)

In article <1991Apr8.204916.16962@zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu>, landers@zeus.mgmt.purdue.edu (Christopher Landers) writes:
> Auto line spacing will choose the line space to be as tall as the tallest char.
> on the line.  Choose a fixed space to prevent this problem.  If, for example, 
> you choose 2 ln (or 24pt) and you have a symbol that is 36pt, that symbol
> overlap the prev./next line.  Sometimes, this looks OK.

It has been my experience that auto and 1 ln acts exactly the same.  I think that
real way to do this is as follows:

If you want to be sure that you have a minimum spacing of n lines then you put:
n li
in the line spacing box.  WFW still adjusts the line spacing upward if it needs
more space for taller chars such as {eq \f(1,2)}.  

If you want to fix the line spacing regardless of the height of the tallest char
then you have to preface the spacing with a minus sign.  If you want fixed n line
spacing then you put:
-n li
in the line spacing box.  This also works with pt, etc.
Andy Register  Internet: ar12@prism.gatech.edu   Bitnet: aregiste@gtri01.bitnet

-- Sometimes the Bears Win, Sometimes the Bulls Win --
    -------- But the Pigs *Always* Lose --------              (author unknown)

margan-aleks@cs.yale.edu (margan-aleks) (04/11/91)

In article <69220015@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com> knotts@hpl-opus.hpl.hp.com (Tom Knotts) writes:

>I am editing a file with single-spaced lines with equations and symbols.
>The line spacing is varying all over the place. For example, I have one
>sentence which contains the symbol "delta". This "D" is no larger than
>the CenturySchoolbook characters in the rest of the line (yes, I'm using
>PostScript). But WfW adds an additional ~30% space between this line and
>the line above it. It seems to think that this symbol is large and
>requires extra space to prevent it from overlapping the line above.
>I will try fix it by switching line spacing from auto to fixed, but it
>seems to me that the auto-spacing feature should work better.

Use negative numbers for spacing (-1 will be fixed single spaced, -2 fixed 
double spaced etc.).
