epickering@desire.wright.edu (04/12/91)
After looking through the articles in this newsgroup, I'm afraid that my question may be way below you folks, but I haven't found any other way to answer it. Here goes: Are there any spell-checkers available for Windows Write? The ones I hav the point of being unreadable, or at the very least remove the symbol fonts. Please e-mail any suggestions. Thank you. Eve Pickering, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Wright State University epickering@desire.wright.edu
epickering@desire.wright.edu (04/12/91)
Now you know why I need a spell-checker. I managed to lose a line or so of my last post. I have tried the spell-checker from Word and one called ShareSpell. They both corrupt my .wri file, either causing an unrecoverable error or simply changing the symbols fonts and centering.