[comp.windows.ms] Running ProComm Plus in Windows /R - how to switch??

shedevil@leland.Stanford.EDU (Annie) (04/15/91)

I want to run wp50 and Procomm Plus...I have a 286, and so am doing
it in real mode, cause ..cause..I can! :-)

Problem is, while when in wp50 I can type alt-esc and get back to the
windows screen (and thus switch to Procomm), I *can't* alt-esc out
of Procomm!  I assume it's cause Procomm has taken control of these
keys, although in my manual I read that I have to *tell* windows this
or it won't let the dos app. have those keys....

But...there it is.

ANY advice?


 mother - law student - antifeminist - honourary canajan - fathers' rightist 
   Anne (She Devil) Mitchell - Stanford Law - shedevil@leland.stanford.edu
    No disclaimer necessary as this is *my* account, and besides - nobody
       would ever accuse anyone else of having these opinions anyway!

dcc@hpopd.pwd.hp.com (Daniel Creswell) (04/17/91)

Yep take a look at PIF files. These files are associated with DOS programs.

Windows has a few that it uses by default. You should create some specific to
your DOS apps. Hold on while I go and find the relevant stuff.....

Okay, the PIF editor appears in the accessories group. Run it and at the bottom
you will see some stuff about short-cut keys. Tick the relevant boxes according
to what keys your app. wants and then save this pif with a useful name like

Now I bet you wanna get this onto your proggie manager's groups dont you!

Okay goto file on the PM window and choose NEW. Tell it you want to create
a program icon (or at least not a group!). Now you get a dialog box. Fill in
the description with something like 'Procomm' and then choose browse. Locate
the pif file and choose it and there you have it - click ok and the icon is built. I ought to mention that this can get a bit messy. If you can't by on the
manual I'll try and help some more!

While I remember don't try running command.com (and I think any other DOS app)
under Standard mode as it'll crash - I won't bore you with the techy stuff!

Best of luck,
		Dan C.