kobetitsch@picker.picker.com (harry kobetitsch) (04/24/91)
I would like to know where I can find information on the internals of Windows 3.0. There are claims that Windows 3.0 is a multi-tasking OS. I would like to know how true this is. Thanks in advance! -- Harry Kobetitsch (216)-473-2624 Picker International, Inc. 595 Miner Rd, Highland Heights, OH 44143 (UUCP: ...!uunet!picker!kobetitsch) (Internet: kobetitsch@picker.com)
ebergman@isis.cs.du.edu (Eric Bergman-Terrell) (04/25/91)
Windows is a non-preemptive (i.e. scout's honor) multi-tasking system. However in 386 enhanced mode Windows can preemptively multitask DOS sessions. Are there any "Windows Internals" books/articles? I know that there are some good "how to program windows" books. Terrell
rob@pcad.UUCP (Ralph Brown) (04/25/91)
The only book I've seen on Windows internals is in the MS Device Driver Kit. This is extremely interesting although a pretty heavy slog. In 386 enhanced mode, Windows itself is a single task (in a sense multi treaded) running under the real operating system, the Vitual Machine Manager. This does preemptive multitasking between the Windows task and the other tasks which are all non-windows apps. From looking at all this, I suspect that there are a bunch of hacks that could be done, but with the looming advent of Windows NT I suspect that they would have a very short life. Ralph