[comp.windows.ms] WINQVT 4.55

cvance@triton.unm.edu (Chad Vance) (03/16/91)

I have WinQvt 4.55 and I like it quite a bit...

Only problem is, I don't have the money RIGHT now to buy the 
software...and there is no documenation on the script language...

I was wondering if someone could give me some kind of clue as
to SOME BASIC commands for the script language?

Another problem...why does Zmodem use BINARY as the default
mode, but Kermit insists on TEXT mode for downloads?  Is there
a way to change this?

		Thanks in advance,

barryf@aix01.aix.rpi.edu (Barry B. Floyd) (05/01/91)

I recently began using WINQVT 4.55 (after using an earlier version for
four months). I had hoped to see an old problem fixed, but it is not.
Our communications environment requires me to be able to send a "request
to resend packet" at the beginning of a file transfer in order to start
the file transfer. In its current form WinQVT 4.55 times out, waiting for
our host to initiate transfer. Our host, in turn, waits to receive a
"request to resend packet" before starting transfer (catch 22).
We have established Kermit as a campus file transfer protocol of choice. 
A locally modified version of MS-DOS Kermit enables one to press the ENTER
key during (before) file transfers causing a "request..." to be sent. Typically
one must press ENTER once or twice before the transfer runs smoothly
(the Kermit "Retry Count" equals 1 or 2).

While WinQVT is an excellent product, otherwise, I am not able to recommend
it as our Windows communications package of choice until we can reliably
use it to transfer files. Until such time, Kermit running in a DOS Window
will have to suffice.

QPC listeners: - We would be happy to register copies of your product but
*** for this one critical flaw. If there is any way to "request to resend
    packet" after initiating a file transfer (i.e. Transfer - Upload - Kermit,
    or Transfer - Download - Kermit - OK) in the current version please
    e-mail/post a solution. Otherwise, who do I contact in order to arrange
    to include this feature in a new version, and when might it be available? 
    Is version 4.55 the most recent and if not has such a feature been
    included in the new release? Where might I obtain a copy for evaluation
    (e.g. cica.cica.indiana.edu)?

Any and all suggestions are welcome. Kermit in a DOS window is less than
optimal and annoying to use compared to WinQVT. It would be unfortunate
for many to have to continue using Kermit for lack of one button in a
transfer dialogue box (i.e. RESEND PACKET).
thanks in advance

| Barry B. Floyd                   \\\       barry_floyd@mts.rpi.edu |
| Manager Information Systems - HR    \\\          usere9w9@rpitsmts |
+-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute--------------------troy, ny 12180-+