[comp.windows.ms] The Latest Updates To cica.cica.indiana.edu

burhans@mizar.usc.edu (Mustang Sally) (05/02/91)

Oops. Rereading the README file from cica.cica.indiana.edu I see
that the date IS included with the INDEX file in the format
YYMMDD. So I got the index and used the sort command to
sort by that date. Works pretty good. Only problem is now I don't
know what directory they are in. Well at least I learned something

This stuff was uploaded in April. The sort command was
sort -rn +1 -2 indy.index -o indy.latest   
All the comments and sub-directory information sort of floated to
the top and I deleted it.

warp12.zip	910430	Enterprise Spaceship (640x480x256)
fish.zip	910430	640x480x16 Snapshot of Fish
blank.zip	910430	1024x768x1 Black Bitmap (Why?!)
disktool.zip	910429	Compliments FileManager (one click to move/delete/copy)
winsaver.zip	910425	Restore Windows Session as You Left It
rtf-desc.zip	910425	RichTextFormat Discussion
cardfile.zip	910425	Discussion of Cardfile format
bedrock.zip	910425	Bedrock Font
wnb30a.zip	910424	Windows Batch Language Version 3.0a
typemate.zip	910424	Set Typematic Speed 
qvtnet16.zip	910423	WinQVT for Ethernet Connections (4-11-91 version)
gdips_96.zip    910423	96 DPI (VGA resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio Screen Fonts
gdips120.zip    910423	120 DPI (8514 resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio Screen Fonts
winvn.zip	910421	Windows-based Usenet News Reader (like VN)
snagit16.zip	910421	SnagIt Ver 1.6 Screen Capture/Print Utility
cp-70s.zip	910421	Command Post 7.0s and Browser 3.8 for Windows
cura21.zip	910420	Simu of Sterile Insect Release Method of Pest Control
wined10g.zip	910418	WinEdit 1.0G:  Programmer's Editor for Windows
tft.zip		910418	Text File Searcher
frequently.ask	910418	Freq Asked Questions About Win3 (from comp.windows.ms)
refont.zip	910417	PS Type 1 Font Utility Converts Macintosh->ATM Fonts
moont104.zip	910417	Moon Tool (Phases of the Moon)
wyse700.zip	910416	Wy-700 Video Drivers
westsd.zip	910416	Type 1 Font like the New Yorker Magazine
tribeca.zip	910416	Type 1 Font
tiempo.zip	910416	Type 1 Font
show.zip	910416	Type 1 Font
neko.zip	910416	Neko the Cat Chases Your Mouse Around
garrett.zip	910416	Yet Another Font
macaw.zip	910415	Multiple Alignment Construction & Analysis Workbench
wintide.zip	910412	Linear Tide Clock
wcpumtrx.zip	910412	Yet Another CPU Meter
uc-20ca.zip	910412	UniCom:  Windows Communications Package Util
tmwinpif.zip	910412	How to Run TeleMate under Windows
sysgraph.zip	910412	System Load Average as a Graphic
stub.zip	910412	Start Windows and an App by typing application name
startup2.zip	910412	How to Modify Win3 Opening Banner (Version 2)
ss14.zip	910412	Yet Another Screen Saver (version 1.4)
setc1234.zip	910412	Stores port addr you specify in the BIOS for COM1-COM4
rp105.zip	910412	Run programs maximized, minimized, normal, etc.
rocks.zip	910412	Demos of MicroApps Manager and the Rocks MicroApp
pundit.zip	910412	PopUp Useless Sayings
packrat.zip	910412	Polaris Software's PackRat Demo (hypercard-like)
osf112.zip	910412	OSF Demo for Windows
org130.zip	910412	Windows 3 Personal Information Manager Util
nu5win.zip	910412	Notes Using Norton Utilities Ver 5 with Windows
nologo.zip	910412	Use Debug to Remove Opening Banner (see nobanner.txt)
msdrv191.zip	910412	Updated HIMEM.SYS, RAMDRIVE.SYS, SMARTDRV.SYS from MS
lava.zip	910412	Lava Lamp for Windows
kfree34.zip	910412	Kfree - free memory & disk space monitor Util
kc_res.zip	910412	Color Registration Codes for Windows
hunder19.zip	910412	File Hunter for Windows
highmem.zip	910412	Notes on High Memory Usage with Windows
hifinance.zip	910412	High Finance Personal Financial Management System
flasher.zip	910412	Strobe Lights for Windows
doorway.zip	910412	A DOS Command Line Doorway from Windows
combus10.zip	910412	Windows Cardfile of Computer-related Businesses
codepad.zip	910412	Windows Programmer's Editor (80386 only/Crippleware)
cbdemo.zip	910412	SQL Windows ComboBox DLL demo
cal1991.zip	910412	Calendar Bitmaps for 1991
boxplot.zip	910412	Create Box Plots for Loudspeakers 
rlibdemo.zip	910411	RenderLib: 3D Graphics Dynamic Link Library for Win3
ltmd.zip	910411	LogiTech Mouse Routines for Windows
fm10.zip	910411	Use FM Synthesis Abilities of Your Sound Card
sntool.zip	910410	SoundTool to Play Sounds
yoda.zip	910409	BMP of Yoda
wintree.zip	910409	Genealogy Program Called PARENTS
winnav.zip	910409	Windows Navigator
wbar15.zip	910409	Windows Bar Code Generator
warmap.zip	910409	Bitmap of Middle East Map
symbol.zip	910409	Help with Symbol Set/WfW
sabdu110.zip	910409	Format, Copy, Compare Floppy Disks
qemmwin.zip	910409	Quarterdeck Tech Talk on QEMM+Windows
qemm511f.zip	910409	Bug Fix for QEMM 5.11f High Mem Driver
ppd11.zip	910409	PowerPad Windows Text Editor
mredit.zip	910409	Mr. Edit:  Yet Another Windows Editor
elana.zip	910409	Change Windows Params the Control Panel Can't
easel41e.zip	910409	Easel Drawing Program
dmdrvr.zip	910409	Windows/DMDRVR Discussion from Compu$erve
digitl.zip	910409	Yet Another Digital Clock
desk1.zip	910409	Desktop Animation
clrbut.zip	910409	Colorize Your Buttons!
click115.zip	910409	Click! 1.15 Filer Util for Windows
arch_tb.zip	910409	ToolBook Archery Game
tsng4311.zip	910406	Tseng 4000 Drivers (New and Improved over tseng4k.zip)
clip_art.zip	910406	MicroSoft Clip Art for Windows Write and Paint
wfract31.zip	910405	Fractint for Windows 
wck22a.zip	910404	Checkbook Program for Windows
usher13.zip	910404	Usher Assists Windows Users Find/Launch Applications.
noteman.zip	910404	A Notes Database Manager
blkjack.zip	910404	A Black Jack Game
alwin15.zip	910404	Active Life 1.1 Scheduler for Windows
cpuuse13.zip	910403	CPU Usage Indicator Version 1.3
chgcrs11.zip	910403	Change Windows Cursor 
runit10.zip	910402	Alternative to ProgMgr "Run" Command
ifix10.zip	910402	Fix Background of DOS Icons
fxar10.zip	910402	Fix Arrow Pointer When it Dissappears.
envelop31.zip	910402	Enveloper 3.1: WfW Macro to Print Envelopes on HPLJs
bmenu139.zip	910402	Create PopUp Windows 
Jackie Burhans (burhans@usc.edu)          
Data Stylist, USC Student Affairs

regoli@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (Michael Regoli) (05/02/91)

burhans@mizar.usc.edu (Mustang Sally) writes:

>Oops. Rereading the README file from cica.cica.indiana.edu I see
>that the date IS included with the INDEX file in the format
>YYMMDD. So I got the index and used the sort command to
>sort by that date. Works pretty good. Only problem is now I don't
>know what directory they are in. Well at least I learned something

Me too!  That was the only serious flaw to the ugly hack I posted to
get the recent file listings from the INDEX.  It would be nice to have
output similar to the "du" command with relative path info.

>warp12.zip	910430	Enterprise Spaceship (640x480x256)
>fish.zip	910430	640x480x16 Snapshot of Fish
>blank.zip	910430	1024x768x1 Black Bitmap (Why?!)
>disktool.zip	910429	Compliments FileManager (one click to move/delete/copy)
>winsaver.zip	910425	Restore Windows Session as You Left It
>rtf-desc.zip	910425	RichTextFormat Discussion
>cardfile.zip	910425	Discussion of Cardfile format

For instance, the first seven files came from three different
subdirectories.  I suppose it now appropriate to discuss the format of
the INDEX files.  I *could* add the subdirectory name on each line
since the individual INDEX files are created by hand anyway:

>fish.zip	910430	bmp	 640x480x16 Snapshot of Fish

However, since we've only got 79 columns, putting any more info onto
that line effectively reduces the space I have to put in a
description.   Especially if subdirectories become 2+ levels deep.
It's also redundant information when there's an individual index file
for each file are.  (Symbols or abbreviations for subdirectory names
may be too obscure.)


michael regoli

otto@tukki.jyu.fi (Otto J. Makela) (05/02/91)

Well, since everyone is posting their ideas on how to slice and dice the INDEX
file, I'll take a hack at it also.  Here it is, csh+awk which probably could be
done with perl a lot easier etc. but I'm not good enough on it yet...

Takes optionally one argument, which is a flag like '-50' to indicate how many
files to get into the listing.  It assumes INDEX from cica is in the current
directory (if it isn't, it'll get it there from cica).  Generates a file like
INDEX-20, which contains the last 20 indexed uploads to cica starting from
the latest.

The output is a bit ragged, since it doesn't retab the output (which could be
bit of a chore in a 1-hour hack), and it recognizes file names from the input
file simply by looking for a letter or number as the 1st character on the line.
bmp/warp12.zip	910430	Enterprise Spaceship (640x480x256)
bmp/fish.zip	910430	640x480x16 Snapshot of Fish
bmp/blank.zip	910430	1024x768x1 Black Bitmap (Why?!)
util/disktool.zip	910429	Compliments FileManager (one click to move/delete/copy)
util/winsaver.zip	910425	Restore Windows Session as You Left It
misc/rtf-desc.zip	910425	RichTextFormat Discussion
misc/cardfile.zip	910425	Discussion of Cardfile format
fonts/bedrock.zip	910425	Bedrock Font
util/wnb30a.zip	910424	Windows Batch Language Version 3.0a
util/typemate.zip	910424	Set Typematic Speed 
util/qvtnet16.zip	910423	WinQVT for Ethernet Connections (4-11-91 version)
fonts/gdips_96.zip    910423	96 DPI (VGA resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio Screen Fonts
fonts/gdips120.zip    910423	120 DPI (8514 resolution) 1:1 Aspect Ratio Screen Fonts
util/snagit16.zip	910421	SnagIt Ver 1.6 Screen Capture/Print Utility
util/cp-70s.zip	910421	Command Post 7.0s and Browser 3.8 for Windows
misc/winvn.zip	910421	Windows-based Usenet News Reader (like VN)
demo/cura21.zip	910420	Simu of Sterile Insect Release Method of Pest Control
util/wined10g.zip	910418	WinEdit 1.0G:  Programmer's Editor for Windows
util/tft.zip		910418	Text File Searcher
misc/frequently.ask	910418	Freq Asked Questions About Win3 (from comp.windows.ms)
#!/bin/csh -f
# 02/05/91 otto@jyu.fi

# Default for how many files to get.
if ( $#argv == 0 ) set argv=(-20)

# If necessary, go to cica and get master list of win3 files.
if ( ! -f INDEX ) then
	ftp -n cica.cica.indiana.edu << finis
	user anonymous $USER@$HOST
	cd /pub/pc/win3
	get INDEX

# Go thru INDEX, grabbing directory names as we go.  Print out each filename/w
# directory name.  Pipe result through sort and head to get proper subindex.
awk -f - INDEX << finis | sort -nr +1 -2 | head $1 > INDEX$1
	\$1=="**" && \$8 ~ /^~ftp\/pub\/pc\/win3\//	{ dir=substr(\$8,18) }
	\$1 ~ /^[a-z0-9]/				{ print dir "/" \$0 }

exit 0
   /* * * Otto J. Makela <otto@jyu.fi> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
  /* Phone: +358 41 613 847, BBS: +358 41 211 562 (USR HST/V.32, 24h/d)   */
 /* Mail: Kauppakatu 1 B 18, SF-40100 Jyvaskyla, Finland, EUROPE         */
/* * * Computers Rule 01001111 01001011 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

ce1zzes@prism.gatech.EDU (Eric Sheppard) (05/03/91)

Perhaps if you can sort them by category, a la Simtel...

Eric Sheppard      Georgia Tech    |   "Of course the US Constitution isn't
Atlanta, GA                        | perfect; but it's a lot better than what
ARPA: ce1zzes@prism.gatech.edu     |             we have now." -Unknown
uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!ce1zzes

dre@sequoia.cray.com (Dennis Ellis) (05/03/91)

In article <1991May1.213326.24322@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu> regoli@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (Michael Regoli) writes:
>burhans@mizar.usc.edu (Mustang Sally) writes:
>>Oops. Rereading the README file from cica.cica.indiana.edu I see
[Stuff deleted here]
>However, since we've only got 79 columns, putting any more info onto
>michael regoli

  Given a choice (do we get to vote?), I would rather have the SIZE given.

  Not too long ago, I decided to D/L 'Sounder.zip' since I had had problems
with it in the past. I also decided it would be nice to get some test sounds.

  So, using the INDEX I had D/Led earlier and the handy-dandy script posted
awhile back (I call it 'getcica dir filelist'), I requested 'sounder.zip'
and 'sounds1.zip'. Next thing I know, an 800K file is being FTPed. I should
probably go to each dir and check sizes, but I thought this whole discussion
was about how to make life easier.

  Anyway, I think its great that you provide this service and these routines.

Just my 2 cents worth.
* Dennis Ellis (dre@sequoia.cray.com) *                                       *
* Cray Research, Inc.                 *                                       *
* Eagan, MN 55121                     * All the normal stuff about opinions.. *

leoh@hardy.hdw.csd.harris.com (Leo Hinds) (05/03/91)

In article <1991May1.213326.24322@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu> regoli@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (Michael Regoli) writes:
>For instance, the first seven files came from three different
>subdirectories.  I suppose it now appropriate to discuss the format of
>the INDEX files.  I *could* add the subdirectory name on each line
>since the individual INDEX files are created by hand anyway:

>>fish.zip	910430	bmp	 640x480x16 Snapshot of Fish

how about something simple ... (following the windows scheme of [generally] 
the first letter ...):

b/fish.zip	910430	bmp	 640x480x16 Snapshot of Fish
where the "b" is for the bmp directory, so that wingif would be:

b/u/wingif10.zip ... etc

leoh@hdw.csd.harris.com         	Leo Hinds       	(305)973-5229
Gfx ... gfx ... :-) whfg orpnhfr V "ebg"grq zl fvtangher svyr lbh guvax V nz n
creireg ?!!!!!!? ... znlor arkg gvzr

rmich@Lise.Unit.NO (Rolf Michelsen) (05/03/91)

I hacked together a small AWK script to list out any new entries from the Cica
list. I did this without noticing Otto's post, but I post this one since it 
takes a slightly different aproach and doesen't require a Unix csh. The output
isn't to well formattet, but take this as a 15 min hack to be worked on if you
have the time :-)

You use it in this way:
    AWK -f newcica.awk date=910501 cica.lst
This will read the script (assumed to be stored as newcica.awk) and output
all programs with dates on or later than 1st of May. The list is assumed to
be in the file cica.lst.

This is the script:

# AWK script to display recent changes in the cica index file
# Usage: awk -f newcica.awk date=yymmdd index

    if ($0 ~ /^\*\*/)
        print $0
    else if ($2 >= date)
        print $0

Short enough???

   /                   | 
  / Snail-Mail:        | 
 /   Rolf Michelsen    |
/    Studpost 130      |
\    7034 Trondheim-NTH|
 \  E-Mail:            |
  \  rmich@lise.unit.no|

press@venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Barry Press) (05/03/91)

At the risk of advertising my own program, in utils on cica is a program
in match103.zip which will compare two text files and display the differences
under Windows.  If you simply download to your PC the updated INDEX to a
directory different than the previous one, you can use it to visually see
what's changed on cica.

Of course, changes to the INDEX file format don't produce a very
informative result ...

Barry Press                                 Internet: press@venice.sedd.trw.com