[comp.windows.ms] Trident 2b beta drivers, menu hilite color wrong!

nyet@nntp-server.caltech.edu (n liu) (05/04/91)

A while ago i dloaded the 1024x768 and 800x600 256 version 2b drivers
from the trident bbs; since then i've been bothered by a tiny
detail that i'd assumed was due to my stupidity.... The damn pull
down menu highlite color (actually, now that i think of it, *every* 
highlited color) is a light shade of blue/cyan. I diddled for an
hour or so in my color control panel with no luck, then decided to
take a look in its .ini; again, no luck. There is NO entry for high-
light color ANYWHERE that i can find... So i pull out my old drivers,
and bingo, black comes back. So, has anybody else seen this, or
am i doing something wrong? More importantly, is there a non-beta
version out (don't really feel like wasting a far-pointer call to
Sunnyvale BBS)? And is Simtel/wuarchive/cica, etc. getting updated
with these drivers periodically/officially?

flames,rtfms, etc. welcome