[comp.windows.ms] buggy

keirje@triton.unm.edu (Marionette) (05/09/91)

  Does anyone know what BUGV190.ZIP (BUGGY.EXE) is suppoesed to do?  I ran it
 and it appears to tell you how much a bug weighs.  Well, 300k of code to do
 that?  Also, when I disected BUGGY.EXE I found a reference to SEXYBUG.  I
 assume that when you enter a certain combination of answers, something
 happens (I don't know what).  The program has no "About" or documentation.
  Unless the author wishes to refute my opinion, I would say *avoid* this
 program.  It seems like it may be a trojan or maybe a harmless joke.


                                     - Puppet

    disclaimer: Anything I do or say may be attributed directly to my
                imaginary scapegoat. 

I don't want to become immortal through   |    UUCP:  triton!keirje
my works, I want to become immortal by    |Internet:  keirje@triton.unm.edu
not dying.  - WA                          | Das-Net:  Keirje@dcjgal.das.net

keirje@triton.unm.edu (Marionette) (05/09/91)

  I forgot to mention that this program is at cica.cica.indiana.edu (in the
 uploads directory).  I know I shouldn't download from there, but I'm soo

                                     - Puppet

    disclaimer: Anything I do or say may be attributed directly to my
                imaginary scapegoat. 

I don't want to become immortal through   |    UUCP:  triton!keirje
my works, I want to become immortal by    |Internet:  keirje@triton.unm.edu
not dying.  - WA                          | Das-Net:  Keirje@dcjgal.das.net