[comp.windows.ms] Star Gemini 10 and Win3

mrp@polari.UUCP (Mad Rabbit Productions) (05/08/91)

> I recently sold my SX computer to my daughter, who wants to use it
> with her old printer. It as an 11 year old Star Gemini 10 pinter.
> She would like to use it with Windows3. There is no such driver
> in the setup routines. Anyone got one?
You might try a low-end Epson driver; as I remember it, the Star printers
share many of the same codes.
Christopher Rimple             |  mrp@seattle.online.com
Owner, Mad Rabbit Productions  |  "On bad sector can ruin
(206) 783-2584 (voice)         |      your whole day."

bill@oracle.SCG.HAC.COM (Bill Neisius) (05/14/91)

In article <3995@polari.UUCP> mrp@polari.UUCP (Mad Rabbit Productions) writes:
>> I recently sold my SX computer to my daughter, who wants to use it
>> with her old printer. It as an 11 year old Star Gemini 10 pinter.
>> She would like to use it with Windows3. There is no such driver
>> in the setup routines. Anyone got one?
>You might try a low-end Epson driver; as I remember it, the Star printers
>share many of the same codes.
 The Star printer shares many of the Epson codes, unfortunately they don't
have the same vertical resolution ( 1/216 for Epson versus 1/144 for Star);
the Epson drivers haven't worked for me.  If anyone can come up with a driver
I'd be interested too...

Bill Neisius

tanida@forseti.css.gov (Tom Tanida) (05/15/91)

In article <14852@hacgate.UUCP>, bill@oracle (Bill Neisius) writes:
> The Star printer shares many of the Epson codes, unfortunately they don't
>have the same vertical resolution ( 1/216 for Epson versus 1/144 for Star);
>the Epson drivers haven't worked for me.  If anyone can come up with a driver
>I'd be interested too...

I have a Star SG-10 ('tho I'm hoping for a new Panasonic KXP-1124i
soon :-) ), and I don't have any problem with MS Windows.  I use the
driver for the Epson FX-80.  One thing- the printer MUST be in IBM
mode, or you get excess vertical space when you print WFW/Windows
Write documents (anything that uses the bit-mapped modes).


bill@oracle.SCG.HAC.COM (Bill Neisius) (05/22/91)

In article <715@esosun.UUCP> tanida@forseti.css.gov (Tom Tanida) writes:
>In article <14852@hacgate.UUCP>, bill@oracle (Bill Neisius) writes:
>> The Star printer shares many of the Epson codes, unfortunately they don't
>>have the same vertical resolution ( 1/216 for Epson versus 1/144 for Star);
>>the Epson drivers haven't worked for me.  If anyone can come up with a driver
>>I'd be interested too...
>I have a Star SG-10 ('tho I'm hoping for a new Panasonic KXP-1124i
>soon :-) ), and I don't have any problem with MS Windows.

        I thought that the difference in linefeed increment
        explained the problems I experience with the Gemini.
        For example with the Generic IBM/Epson driver loaded
        in CSHOW, printing yields: .1 inch image, .05 inch white space
        alternating down the page. (.15/.1 = 216/144)

>I use the
>driver for the Epson FX-80.

        OK, I tried that:  Epson 9pin driver, FX-80 printer.
        The results were worse than I remembered:  formfeeds,
        beeps, misc. garbage, and occasionally a small amount
        of recognizable print - with white bars alternating down
        the page.  There's something basically wrong here...

>One thing- the printer MUST be in IBM
>mode, or you get excess vertical space when you print 

        ...there. That must be it.  I never even knew that
        the printer had an IBM mode.  The only reference in
        the manual under IBM specifies setting the dip switches
        for no auto linefeed, 8-bit interface.  Nope, that's
        the factory setting, and the current setting on the printer.

How much is that Panasonic anyway?

Bill Neisius

dave@kharma (05/23/91)

bill@oracle.SCG.HAC.COM (Bill Neisius) writes:

>         ...there. That must be it.  I never even knew that
>         the printer had an IBM mode.  The only reference in
>         the manual under IBM specifies setting the dip switches
>         for no auto linefeed, 8-bit interface.  Nope, that's
>         the factory setting, and the current setting on the printer.

That is it, but perhaps only part. The codes still are different from Epson if
you have an early version of the Star Firmware ROM. A partial solution, for
applications other than Windows, is to use the Star NX-1000 driver, which I
understand was released into public domain by one of their engineers. I have a
copy of it, if that will help.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
isc-br!tau-ceti!dogear!kharma!dave [dave@kharma] Dave Laird, SysOp: kharma
    The Computer Concern,  Springdale, WA  258-7109 or 1-800-786-7109
  kharma: 509-233-8474 (Local from Spokane Area)  24hrs  1200-14400 (HST)