[comp.windows.ms] Windows Devel. Tools

hacker@micor.ocunix.on.ca (Eric Borduas) (06/04/91)

I am looking for a toolkit or programming utilities to develop applications
under Microsoft Windows 3.0. Also, I would be interested in any comments people 
on the net may have about programming for Windows ( dos and don'ts ).

What I require is:

	- A good database engine ( Relational, Report writer...)
	- Interface functions ( Scroll bars, menu, bitmaps...)
	- Graphing function ( Pie, line, scatter, time series...)

These function could be callable from a C or C++ program, or could be part of a 
programming environment ( eg: ACTOR, SMALLTALK...).

If you have any information, could you please forward the name of the product
and the name of the company who developed it. 

My internet address is: hacker@micor.ocunix.on.ca

My whole life is a kludge :-)