[comp.windows.ms] Tseng ET4000 chip drivers for windows

mbk@world.std.com (Michael B Klein) (06/07/91)

I recently purchased a Swan VGA Pallette Plus card, which uses a Tseng
4000 chipset.  The documentation says that Windows will
support it in up to 1024x768x256 or 800x600x32,768.  I had never heard
of the Hicolor mode, but they make a big deal about it.  The thing is,
the driver works at that level, but Windows doesn't seem to CARE if I
can display 32K colors.  CorelDraw won't even give me 256 under the
32K driver -- but it will under the 256 driver.  Are there any
applications out there for Windows that would make 32,768 colors worth
losing the extra resolution?

| Michael B. Klein        |     "No, no...Don't tug on that.  You never      |
| mbk@world.std.com       |      know what it might be attached to."         |
| 48klein@cuavax.bitnet   |                             -- Buckaroo Banzai   |