[comp.windows.ms] Type Managers

eaton@eecs.ucdavis.edu (William "Opus" Eaton) (06/09/91)

I've read good things about type managers in this newsgroup. My
question is this: do type managers (eg ATM & Facelift) also improve
the appearance of the text in window borders and below icons? 

I ask this, because my eyes get really thrashed after a few 
hours in front of my PC. I tried playing with the background colors,
thinking that would help, but it didn't.

Bill "Opus" Eaton
insert standard disclaimer here

pshuang@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (06/10/91)

   I've read good things about type managers in this newsgroup. My
   question is this: do type managers (eg ATM & Facelift) also improve
   the appearance of the text in window borders and below icons? 

Type managers won't help your eye fatigue very much.  First of all, the
fonts used to represent text in icons and window borders are generally
fixed fonts, i.e. Windows uses specific bitmap fonts file for the job,
the actual size of which depends on the resolution of your display.
Type managers will not get invoked to generate fonts for such purposes.
In any case, type managers will not improve the appearance of very small
fonts, and will probably generate worse results than the bitmaps,
because the latter were probably hand-tuned for the screen resolution by
whoever designed the fonts included with Windows.

Singing off,
UNIX:/etc/ping instantiated (Ping Huang).