[comp.windows.ms] Windows Programming Tutorial Submissions Wanted

mattel@auto-trol.com (Matt Telles) (06/10/91)

Hi all -

   I am interested in collecting programming samples for a tutorial for Windows
programming.  If you have ever seen the CManual collection for the Amiga, you
know exactly what I am talking about.
   This is the scoop.  What we are trying to put together is a public-domain
library of source code and hints/techniques for beginning/intermediate Windows
programmers.  This will really help people get into programming windows, and
will cut down on the number of "I'm new to Windows programming, how do I do...?"
questions on the net.
   If you are interested in helping out, send your code to this address (I work
on a Sun, but transfer the stuff home to look at/compile/work with.)  Several
caveats, however:
   - No copywritten software code, please.
   - No code stolen from books (really the same as above, but let's make sure)
   - Any code you send may or may not be attributed to you, but you will NOT
     make any money from this...  (but then again, neither will I).
   - Please, try to make the code well documented.
   - Hints/Techniques/Explanations on how to do things (text, not code) are
     happily accepted.

the net.lurker

Matt Telles 	                 mattel@auto-trol.COM
Auto-trol Technology 12500 N Washington Denver, CO 80241-2404 (303)252-2874