djs@mit-amt (David J. Sturman) (11/28/89)
User Interface Strategies '90 A one-day national satellite TV course December 7, 1989 Ben Shneiderman, Organizer, University of Maryland Aaron Marcus, Aaron Marcus and Associates John M. Carroll, IBM S. Joy Mountford, Apple Computer, Inc. This course is produced by the University of Maryland Instructional Television (ITV) System and broadcast nationwide on the AMCEE/NTU (National Technological University) Satellite Network. For information on attending at an AMCEE site in your area or at an ITV site in the Washington, DC area, call the University of Maryland ITV office at (301) 454-8955 or (800) 344-6712 or by FAX (301) 454-8841. You may consider arranging a private showing for your organization, university, or company. Audience: User interface designers, programmers, software engineers, software evaluators, managers in the computing and communications fields, human factors specialists, documenters, trainers, marketing personnel. Overview: These four leaders of the field offer their perspectives on why the user interface is a central focus for expanding the application of computers. They offer their visions and suggest exciting opportunities for the next decade's developments. Demonstrations, new software tools, guiding principles, emerging theories, empirical results, and future scenarios will be presented. Lecture 1: 11:00am - Noon (Eastern Time) Ben Shneiderman: Breakthroughs in User Interface Design Ben Shneiderman introduces the entire program, reviews current directions, and offers a vision of the future of user interfaces. He covers the lively battle over multiple window graphic user interfaces, emergence of user interface tools, rapid dissemination of hypertext/hypermedia, international competition on home controls and electronic consumer devices (such as digital photography), and movement towards collaborative meetings and classrooms. While foundational empirical research and theorizing is occurring at many laboratories, commercial developers are pushing ahead with exciting products and services. Examples are demonstrated and new directions proposed. Shneiderman proposes a suitable balance between controlled experimental research to test hypotheses and more practical usability studies to guide designers. Ben Shneiderman is Head of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, Professor of Computer Science, and Member of the Institute Advanced Computer Studies all at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is the co-author, with Greg Kearsley, of the recently published hyperbook/disk Hypertext Hands-On!, and author of Designing the User Interface and Software Psychology. Dr. Shneiderman is editor of the Ablex Publishers series on Human-Computer Interaction, author of 120 technical papers, and creator of the Hyperties hypertext system. He is an international lecturer and consultant for many organizations including Apple, AT&T, IBM, Library of Congress, and NASA. Lecture 2: 12:30 - 1:25pm Aaron Marcus: Graphic Design and the Ten Commandments of Color Aaron Marcus presents essential principles of screen design and the use of color. He argues that all computer graphics systems communicate visually and that the primary goal is not data processing, but visual communication. He believes that user interface design will become a key feature of product design and will be influenced by style in the consumer market. Marcus offers case study design examples to illustrate principles of graphics and color design. He gives specific guidelines in his Ten Commandments of Color and deals with tradeoffs such as simplicity vs. complexity, practicality vs. beauty, function vs. form, and enlightenment vs. delight. Aaron Marcus received a BA in physics from Princeton University and a BFA and MFA from Yale University Art School. He is an authority on the design of computer graphics for charts, forms, documents, icons, and screens. He has presented tutorials at SIGGRAPH, NCGA, and SIGCHI conferences and teaches seminars world-wide. He and his staff have designed and critiqued user interfaces for Apple, DEC, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Kodak, 3M, Motorola, Pacific Bell, Ricoh, US Dept. of Defense (DARPA), and many other organizations. He has recently co-authored, with Ron Baecker, Human Factors and Typography for More Readable Programs. Lecture 3: 1:35 - 2:30pm John M. Carroll: The Nurnberg Funnel: Minimalist Instruction for Computer Skill The Minimalist instructional model was developed to address the "paradox of sensemaking", and the inventory of learner problems that were observed when computer users worked with systematic materials. Three design projects, Guided Exploration, Minimal Manual, and Training Wheels, illustrate the Minimalist model of instructional design for computer artifacts. There is no Nurnberg Funnel for instructional designers; no way to just pour information into the learner's mind. Carroll reviews how the failures of the systematic approach led to the development of the Minimalist model, and how it has been applied in several practical computer systems projects. He clarifies why systematic and analytic design models so often fail in user interface design. By contrast, this work is grounded in an empirical model of the situation of use. The Minimalist design prescriptions succeeded because they were embodied and implemented in design exemplars which were iteratively refined. Dr. John M. Carroll is Manager of User Interface Theory and Design at the IBM Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. His recent books are What's In A Name: An essay in the psychology of reference, Interfacing Thought: Cognitive aspects of human-computer interaction, and The Nurnberg Funnel: Designing minimalist instruction for practical computer skill. He holds BAs in mathematics and information science from Lehigh University and a PhD in experimental psychology from Columbia University. He is on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Behaviour and Information Technology, and the International Journal of Human Computer Interaction and is a member of the Cognitive Science Society, ACM SIGCHI, IEEE Computer Society, and the Psychonomics Society. Lecture 4: 3:00 - 3:55pm S. Joy Mountford: Navigation of Multi-Media Data Starting with the question "What will people want to do with computers?", S. Joy Mountford describes the sources of information and data that are about to overwhelm the computer user. She describes some multi-media visual navigation tools that help filter, index, search, and organize large knowledge spaces. Joy demonstrates several multi-media interface metaphors that have been developed from user-driven interface principles. The systems she demonstrates illustrate the important role of users in the design process: helping to define critical tasks, providing feedback on the interface elements, and participating in user studies before more effective interface design iterations can take place. Joy offers an exciting vision of what comes next in the world of personal computing. The future may hold the promise of surrogate travel, info-tainment, wearable computers, artificial realities, and personalized playstations. S. Joy Mountford is the manager of the Human Interface Group at Apple Computer, Inc. Previously she worked for MCC in Austin, TX and for Honeywell, Inc. in Minnesota Her past research focussed on the applications of advanced technology to crew station design: speech recognition and generation, stereographic displays, six degree-of-freedom hand controllers, and intelligent systems. Her group at Apple is examining ways of extending the user interface by providing better assistance, multi-media access and expanded metaphors. Her group has been involved with such products as the new Macintosh Finder developments, color uses, and information filters. Joy gives presentations world-wide on issues facing the future of interface design. Joy's graduate work was at the University of Illinois in Engineering Psychology and her undergraduate work was as University College, London. Discussion: 4:05 - 5:00pm -- Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.