[u3b.misc] Reading MS-DOS floppies on the 3B2

friedl@vsi.COM (Stephen J. Friedl) (01/08/89)

Hi folks,

    We just got an ad for a product that lets a 3B2 work with
MS-DOS floppies, and I've included part of this ad below (I
dropped out most of the ad hype):

These products are comprised of sets of functions normally used in
the MS-DOS environment which may be directly executed from UNIX.
Six functions were included in 3B-2-DOS, and our new 3B-2-PC incorporates
ten.  The equivalents of these useful commands are described

3B-2-DOS	3B-2-PC		   Function
--------	---------	-------------------------------
DOSLS		PC-DIR		List MS-DOS directories
DOSCP		PC-COPY		Copies to/from MS-DOS diskettes
DOSRM		PC-DEL		Deletes MS-DOS files
DOSMKDIR	PC-MD		Makes MS-DOS directories
DOSRMDIR	PC-RD		Removes MS-DOS directories
		PC-CD		Changes MS-DOS directories
		PC-FORMAT	Formats 360k MS-DOS floppies
		PC-MOUNT	Mount MS-DOS floppies
		PC-UNMOUNT	Unmount MS-DOS floppies

List price:

	3B-2-DOS (for System V Rel 2.0.4)		$ 495
	3B-2-PC  (For System V Rel 3.*)			$ 595

For more information, contact:

	Congruent Technologies
	9065 Jollyville Road
	Austin, TX  78759
	+1 512 346 4761 voice
	+1 512 343 0467 fax

We've dealt with these people and find them pleasant and helpful.


Stephen J. Friedl        3B2-kind-of-guy            friedl@vsi.com
V-Systems, Inc.        I speak for me only      attmail!vsi!friedl
Santa Ana, CA  USA       +1 714 545 6442    {backbones}!vsi!friedl
-------Nancy Reagan on Usenix in San Diego: "Just say *go*"-------