[u3b.misc] Starlan assistance

len@netsys.COM (Len Rose) (05/26/89)

I need some information regarding starlan.

What are the basic requirements to connect a 6300+ to a 3B2 using Starlan?
I would like to have the 3B2 become a dos server and the 6300+ a client.

I assume I need the following:

1. 3B2 nau ( 1 mbit ,unless current rev level supports both) 105070114?
2. 6300 nau ( I have this already - 1 mbit vers )
3. 6300 dos client software ( I have vers 1.1 )
4. 3B2 nau driver disk *
5. 3B2 dos server software *
6. cables of course (I will obtain these,but what are the max lengths?)

 * comcodes I need to obtain

I am looking for the comcodes for item 5,since I guess item 4 comes with the
nau board..Rather than order new versions of starlan software for the 6300,I'd
like to order the older version of the 3B2 software..

I tried contacting AT&T , and got shunted to some local vars who know less
than most people on the net..

I am ready to order what I need today,but am not sure _what_ I need.

Thanks for any assistance..


len@netsys.COM (Len Rose) (06/02/89)

 I would like to thank those people who were able to assist me in
 various ways.. I got back quite alot of information, all of it quite

