[comp.archives] [bit.listserv.gis-l] U.S. Highway Database


Archive-name: national-highway-network/25-Aug-90
Original-subject: U.S. Highway Database
Reposted-by: emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti)

Bruce Peterson, of the Transportation Planning and Policy Group at the
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, notes that the initial version (1.0) of
the National Highway Planning Network has been released to the National
Energy Software Center for public distribution.

The NHPN currently contains 380,00 miles of roadway with 45,000 links
and 28,500 nodes. Most links include a digitized chain of points showing
roadway alignment derived from USGS 1:2M DLGs, generally accurate to
approximately 1200 meters. Attribute detail on many roads includes
administrative and functional class, and all roads will indicate sign
route, length, and access control, among other characteristics.

Inquiries about distribution should be directed to NESC at 312-972-7250.
Technical queries to Bruce at 615-574-4419 or GTO@ORNLSTC on Bitnet.

Adapted from a notice dated 6/28/90
Duane Marble
Ohio State