[comp.archives] Primer on Computer Security Incidents

cert-tools-request@cert.sei.cmu.edu (11/20/90)

Archive-name: security-primer/19-Nov-90
Original-posting-by: cert-tools-request@cert.sei.cmu.edu
Archive-site: cert.sei.cmu.edu []
Archive-directory: /pub/info/primer
Reposted-by: emv@ox.com (Edward Vielmetti)

Russell Brand has an article in the Nov. 12, 1990 issue of Unix
Today!.  It's entitled "Enhancing Network Security: Simple Prevention
Mechanisms That Can Go A Long Way Toward Protecting Your Net".  In
this article, he refers to a document that gives "the details of how to
set up a password policy, fix the standard Unix security holes, and
make sure your backup system is working."

The document is written by Russell Brand, and is entitled 'Coping with
the Threat of Computer Security Incidents: A Primer from Prevention
through Recovery'.  It's 45 pages that does a very good job of
describing some basics about dealing with security incidents.

Some of the topics covered: incident avoidance, passwords,
pre-planning incident handling, backups, and incident handling.

It's available via anonymous FTP from
cert.sei.cmu.edu:/pub/info/primer in either compressed Postscript or
LaTex source form:

 primer.ps.Z    124135 Jun  8 17:57
 primer.tar.Z    48847 Jun  8 17:57

If you can't retrieve it via anonymous FTP, you can send a message to
primer-request@cert.sei.cmu.edu and ask to have a copy e-mailed to you.
The default will be 10 shar-format messages; if you need some other
format (or can take compressed, uuencoded files), please specify.
Also, if you do request by mail, please be patient; it may take a few
days to get to the requests.

J. Paul Holbrook

 **CERT-Tools Information:****************************************************
 * Submissions                         : cert-tools@cert.sei.cmu.edu         *
 * Address additions/deletions/changes : cert-tools-request@cert.sei.cmu.edu *
 * Moderator                           : tools@cert.sei.cmu.edu              *
 *                                                                           *
 *  The CERT/CC will not formally review, evaluate, or endorse the tools     *
 *  and techniques described.  The decision to use the tools and             *
 *  techniques described is the responsibility of each user or               *
 *  organization and we encourage each organization to thoroughly evaluate   *
 *  new tools and techniques before installation or use.                     *