[comp.archives] [ibm-pc-binaries] msdos uploads to SIMTEL20 during the month of March 1991

w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen) (04/04/91)

Archive-name: sites/msdos/simtel20-msdos-uploads/1991-04-02
Archive: wsmr-simtel20.army.mil:pd1:<msdos.filedocs>sim*.idx []
Original-posting-by: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Keith Petersen)
Original-subject: msdos uploads to SIMTEL20 during the month of March 1991
Reposted-by: emv@msen.com (Edward Vielmetti, MSEN)

File PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>UPLOADS.MAR                Created: April 1, 1991

NOTE: This file is also available in comma-delimited format as SIM9103.IDX

                   during the month of March 1991

NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII

 Filename   Type Length   Date    Description
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.4DOS>
4MENU11W.ZIP  B   44032  910314  Makes batch file menus using 4DOS functions

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ARC-LBR>
AM554.ZIP     B  211330  910324  ArcMaster front-end/convert for .ARC/.ZIP/.LZH
ARJ110.EXE    B  171469  910326  ARJ archiver has better comp. than ZIP & LHarc
AV12.ZIP      B   11357  910311  Ledbetter's dir viewer for ZOO/LZH/ARC/PAK/PKA
FV135.ZIP     B    8128  910319  View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs
LHA211.EXE    B   42874  910314  LHA archiver v2.11 has better comp. than ZIP
LHA211SR.ZIP  B   59459  910305  LHA 2.11 file compression pgm ASM & C src code
SHEZ60C.ZIP   B  142377  910327  Shell for archive manipulation, w/virus check
ZZAP62B.ZIP   B   95500  910326  Convert between ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ASMUTL>
STDLIB.ZIP    B  146218  910324  Standard Library for 8086 ASM programmers

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BATUTL>
SPUTILS.ZIP   B  102076  910302  Batch & screen-save utilities w/mouse input
TSBAT24.ZIP   B   54603  910313  Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BBS>
COMPR212.ZIP  B   34890  910329  Compare BBS file lists with your directory
DGBG100.ZIP   B   15461  910330  Windowed BBS bulletin maker, ASCII/ANSI/AVATAR
EXE275G1.ZIP  B  172960  910311  QuickBBS 2.75 Gamma-1. Requires Gold Key
EXPIRE10.ZIP  B   16235  910325  Expire program for Waffle BBS Usenet files
IMAIL110.ZIP  B  226923  910311  FidoNet mail processor for QBBS/SBBS/RA
QUFE122.ZIP   B   53504  910311  User editor for use with QBBS/SBBS/RA
ROS402.ZIP    B  323872  910303  ROS multinode BBS by Steve Fox
S-VER092.ZIP  B   90401  910311  New-caller verification for SBBS/QBBS/RA
THOST120.ZIP  B   46712  910331  Small, simple host program for modem call-ins
TICK200.ZIP   B   98355  910311  Automated handling of BBS .TIC dist. files
WAF164.ZIP    B  395854  910313  Waffle BBS v1.64, with UUCP mail & Usenet news
WUP100.ZIP    B   18314  910313  Waffle BBS utility programs, version 1.00

REMDOOR2.ZIP  B   74535  910319  Access DOS programs via remote terminal
SEAMINE.ZIP   B   50116  910306  BBS Door: TW-like with a lot of nice options
SHARX201.ZIP  B   56796  910306  BBS Door: Card game guess hi/low on next card
SS25A.ZIP     B   82996  910306  BBS Door: Super Slots for lots of BBS
STACK12.ZIP   B   30392  910306  BBS Door: Tetris game
STAR425B.ZIP  B   50078  910306  BBS Door: Tradewars-like game
SUBATK12.ZIP  B  183652  910306  BBS Door: Command a sub and kill enemies game
SUPRIG37.ZIP  B  142458  910306  BBS Door: Drive truck across country game
SWOR151A.ZIP  B   84479  910306  BBS Door: Find sword and kill Medusa adventure

HCAP1290.ZIP  B   22866  910311  Handicap/disability related BBS list (12/90)
USBBS82.ZIP   B   52735  910326  Darwin's nationwide IBM BBS listing: 03/01/91

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BOOKS>
SNARK10.ZIP   B   14084  910305  The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll V1.0

BLX11.ZIP     B   13696  910326  Code from Borland Language Express Vol1 No1

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.C>
ARR-V110.ZIP  B  143762  910313  Large, Many, XMS and Huge Arrays in C
ASYNLIB2.ZIP  B   18779  910324  ASYNC communications library callable from 'C'
MATCH110.ZIP  B   19272  910325  Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.CAD>
DC151A.ZIP    B  221526  910308  Draft Choice v1.51A for CAD and CASE diagrams
DCFONTS.ZIP   B   17114  910302  Simplex,duplex,roman,italic for Draft Choice

GEAR10.ZIP    B  130541  910306  Calculate charts/graphs of bicycle gear ratios
NALKATI.ZIP   B   35230  910328  Hindu Calendar. Date, positions of Moon & Sun
RQM121.ZIP    B  124508  910306  Calculates savings necessary for retirement
SDLMP215.ZIP  B  157124  910324  Loudspeaker systems/crossover network design
XACT51.ZIP    B  212054  910331  Calculators emulate HP-11C, HP-12C & HP-16C

DLS200.ZIP    B  117729  910312  Disk labeling system, interfaces w/catalogers
WSSI510A.ZIP  B  149058  910331  Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,1of2
WSSI510B.ZIP  B  116826  910331  Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,2of2

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.COBOL>
COBOL650.ZIP  B  185046  910331  ANSI Standard 74-85 Cobol v6.50 for PC

CCHEF15.ZIP   B  186636  910306  Meal mgr/recipe organizer/shopping list maker
CEQPT32E.ZIP  B  117479  910321  Database for equipment service/usage histories
MEDLIN.ZIP    B  222722  910306  Accounting G/L, A/R, A/P, Payroll and Invoice
USNOFA91.ZIP  B  202776  910324  US Naval Observatory floppy almanac for 1991

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DBASE>
SNAP402I.ZIP  B  246813  910319  Documentation utility for dBASE/Clipper/Fox

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DDJMAG>
DDJ9103.ZIP   B   76174  910319  Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1991

PC1420.ZIP    B  190166  910306  Clock/calendar/notepad/track reminder/tickler

DVAWARE.ZIP   B    2369  910329  DESQview program interface ASM code
FILES004.ZIP  B    9235  910329  DesqView utility to display open files
LTFRMT12.ZIP  B   80828  910324  LtFormat v1.2: DV-aware floppy disk formatter
TAME260.ZIP   B   75440  910302  Speed up pgm execution in DesqView/VM386/other

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL>
DCPDIR62.ZIP  B   65277  910331  D.Crokett's sorted and double directory pgms
DIRNO120.ZIP  B   15463  910329  Create commented dir listings, from PC Mag.
DS410A.ZIP    B  163840  910313  Directory Scanner 4.10A - Disk/File Mngr
FW-LS.ZIP     B   31489  910318  Unix-like ls directory lister for DOS & OS/2
GO_3_0.ZIP    B   40248  910327  Enhanced cd w/name completion & dir utilities
LCD_21A.ZIP   B   23040  910313  Change dir faster & /w more features than NCD
SST_52A.ZIP   B   47987  910311  Fast file & ARC/ZIP/LZH/ZOO/PAK/PKA searcher

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DSKUTL>
DOG303.ZIP    B   53425  910324  DiskOrGanizer v3.03 disk defragmentizer
DOGREVU.ZIP   B    3700  910324  Review of 'DOG' disk organizer/defragmentizer
PCOPY90.ZIP   B  100357  910326  Patriquin COPY, file copier with many options

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.EDITOR>
BINGO201.ZIP  B  152477  910328  Bingo: multi-window programmer's text editor
CYRIL104.ZIP  B   52319  910329  Russian word processor shows Cyrillic onscreen
FOLDED_U.ZIP  B  111298  910306  Folding/outlining ASCII editor for programmers
MG2A_EXE.ZIP  B   51265  910322  MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, EXE
MG2A_SRC.ZIP  B  394600  910322  MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, C src
QM2.ZIP       B    8263  910329  New mouse driver for Qedit v2.1 text editor
UNITY310.ZIP  B  248521  910331  Text editor w/unified programming environment
VDE-WP.ZIP    B   10156  910329  WP compatibility hints for VDE text editor

ABC412A.ZIP   B  134451  910319  ABC Fun Keys: Teach children ABCs, v4.12a
CORWP20.ZIP   B  146315  910331  CoreWar+2.0: Redcode program vs program battle
CURA21.ZIP    B   87704  910314  Win3: Autocidal pest control simulation
PEDRAW11.ZIP  B  188616  910326  Scientific pedigree-drawing program
SKYGLOB2.ZIP  B  193281  910310  Skyglobe v2.0: Educational map of the sky

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.EEL>
BAKIN.ZIP     B   10684  910312  Video and process buffer enhancements
CURSPOS.E     B    6647  910312  Continuous display of cursor row/column
DECTOCH.E     B    1924  910312  Input characters by ASCII value
EDITKEY.ZIP   B     714  910312  Jump to definition of a keybinding
GREP.E        A    3462  910312  Interface with grep for multi-dir searches
HELP_SYS.ZIP  B   11372  910312  Build your own help files for Epsilon
LISPMODE.ZIP  B    5607  910312  Useful keybindings for editing Lisp code
MARK.ZIP      B    6656  910312  Various region-marking commands
NEWMOUSE.ZIP  B    4839  910312  Improved mouse support functions
NEXTBUF.ZIP   B    2688  910312  Single-key switch between buffers
POINTSTK.ZIP  B    3383  910312  Maintain a stack of points and buffer names
PRINTER.ZIP   B    2688  910312  Print to HP LaserJet II or IBM Graphic Printer
SAVE_MOD.ZIP  B    4992  910312  Prompt for revision comments on saving file
STOREMOD.ZIP  B    2610  910312  Enhanced version of store.e
TAGMOD.ZIP    B    5431  910312  Enhanced version of tags.e
TRIM.ZIP      B    2432  910312  Trim whitespace from ends of lines
WINCONF.E     A    3880  910312  Save/restore window setup

IDX2DAT.C     A    7747  910312  Makes AutoFTP/BatchFTP scripts from SIMIBM.IDX
QUICKREF.LST  A    2570  910331  Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS dirs
SIM9102.IDX   A   15014  910301  Comma-delimited list of February 1991 uploads
SIMCVT2.EXC   A    3862  910325  VM/CMS REXX program to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMIBM.ARC    B  248415  910331  SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions
SIMIBM.IDX    A  553435  910331  SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions
UPLOADS.FEB   A   14396  910301  List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for February 1990

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FILUTL>
CDPSW51D.ZIP  B  158720  910329  Xtree-like file manager with many features
EXEHEX.ZIP    B   17740  910331  Burn EPROMs from EXE files (EXE->Intel HEX)
PS44C.ZIP     B   81579  910326  Menu-driven search for text or find files
STS_320.ZIP   B   93113  910311  'Stereo' DOS shell, dual windows/directories
TOADUU20.ZIP  B   25078  910312  Unix-compat. fast uuencode/uudecode w/ASM src

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FOSSIL>
X00V124.ZIP   B  114161  910318  Interrupt-driven FOSSIL driver for BBS use

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GIF>
CSHW824A.ZIP  B  104939  910324  GIF/MAC/RLE view/print, Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA
GDS107.ZIP    B  127626  910328  Displays GIFs with unlimited zooming, SVGA/VGA
GIFDES40.ZIP  B   42124  910311  View several GIFs at once. Req. VGA w/>=512K
VPIC40.ZIP    B   92402  910311  GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix pics view/convrt, EGA/VGA

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GNUISH>
DIFF115.ARC   B  130859  910321  GNU Text file differences finder, v1.15

ALCHMY14.ZIP  B  247389  910324  Targa/EPS/GIF/IFF/PICT/PCX/Sun/TIFF/BMP convrt
EEDLOGIC.ZIP  B    1242  910324  Logic gate lib for electrical eng'g EEDraw pgm
EEDRAW20.ZIP  B  240420  910310  Electrical eng'g drawing, w/print & GIF output
GLFORMAT.ZIP  B   10586  910315  Info: Grasp .GL,.PIC,.CLP,.FNT,.SET formats
GRAFWK51.ZIP  B  282217  910311  View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics
PDGRASP.ZIP   B  209880  910318  PD Grasp: Creates/modifies .GL animation files
TGA2TIF.ZIP   B   21636  910329  Convert TARGA images to TIFF format

HC910308.ZIP  B  110935  910308  HamComm: Transmit/receive RTTY with PC/XT/AT

1FINGER.ZIP   B   11617  910311  Helps handicappers with multiple keystrokes
ACCENT.ZIP    B   63641  910313  DEMO of ACCENT speech synthesizer
ACCSET.ZIP    B   22444  910313  Changes ACCENT speech synthesizer's settings
ASL-TRAN.ZIP  B   69584  910311  Translates words into ASL finger spelling
BCDEMO.ZIP    B   54891  910313  BigCalc, which works with large characters
BEDIT20.ZIP   B  236868  910311  Large character editor for sight impared users
BIG-TEXT.ZIP  B   43778  910312  Enlarges text files to printer or screen
BIG26.ZIP     B  141702  910313  The BIG utils-BIG/BIGMONE/TYPER (typing tutor)
BIGCAL.ZIP    B   36859  910313  Print large type calendar
BIGECHO.ZIP   B    4226  910313  Print large letters in batch files
BIGPRINT.ZIP  B   22125  910313  Program to print large letters
BIGT.ZIP      B    3980  910315  Enlarges CGA/MDA text 10 characters at a time
CGACLK2.ZIP   B   25822  910313  Large letter clock/timer/stop watch (CGA)
DZ101.ZIP     B  142715  910311  Speech or Braille DOS shell program. DEMO
FUTUR110.ZIP  B   59563  910311  Communications program for use with a TDD
LARGE.ZIP     B   34050  910313  Another program to enlarge text on screen
LETENLRG.ZIP  B   35818  910313  Put large characters into a file
LPD-DELX.ZIP  B   77566  910315  DEMO: LP DOS Deluxe larger print w/graphics
LSIGN20.ZIP   B   72842  910311  Teaches ASL finger spelling
MAGH10.ZIP    B   40879  910311  Text enlarger for a Hercules graphics card
RELIEF.ZIP    B   64983  910315  DEMO: Eye-relief large char. word processor
SIGN40-1.ZIP  B  100441  910311  Sign Friends: Learn sign language. Part 1 of 2
SIGN40-2.ZIP  B  101961  910311  Sign Friends: Learn sign language. Part 2 of 2
SIGNFONT.ZIP  B    5715  910311  Printer font for finger spelling
TTALK027.ZIP  B   87805  910301  Speech synthesizer ctrl pgm for the sightless
VE-DOCS.ZIP   B  182944  910311  Screen/kbd access for voice synth., DEMO, 2of2
VE1-1.ZIP     B  113235  910311  Screen/kbd access for voice synth., DEMO, 1of2
VERBVIEW.ZIP  B   27210  910313  TSR magnifies text in selected areas of screen

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.INFO>
ASP3901.ZIP   B  108396  910311  Assn. Shareware Professionals product catalog
COMP0391.ZIP  B   19357  910329  List of companies in computer industry
INTER291.ZIP  B  352430  910324  Comprehensive list of interrupt functions
IP-HOOK.ZIP   B   34570  910327  Information on hooking up a PC to the Internet
RBHELP31.ZIP  B   80466  910316  Online help for MSDOS commands, including 4.01
TCF91.ZIP     B   48765  910331  Info: Apr. 1991 Trenton (NJ) Computer Festival
TSFAQ18.ZIP   B   68957  910330  T.Salmi: Frequently asked questions & answers

ITPAPR90.ZIP  B    7297  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - April 1990
ITPAUG90.ZIP  B    8585  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - August 1990
ITPFEB90.ZIP  B    7396  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - Febuary 1990
ITPJAN90.ZIP  B    7913  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - January 1990
ITPJUL90.ZIP  B    5605  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - July 1990
ITPJUN90.ZIP  B    9111  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - June 1990
ITPMAR90.ZIP  B    6191  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - March 1990
ITPMAY90.ZIP  B    8855  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - May 1990
ITPOCT90.ZIP  B    7358  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - October 1990
ITPSEP90.ZIP  B   10481  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - September 1990

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.KA9Q-TCPIP>
ASMOBJ.ZIP    B    7122  910309  Compiled binary files for linking w/KA9Q NOS
DRIVERS.ZIP   B  277300  910328  Clarkson packet drivers wo/src for KA9Q TCP/IP
DRIVERSS.ZIP  B  609441  910328  Clarkson packet drivers w/src for KA9Q TCP/IP
NET-0308.ARC  B  181175  910309  KA9Q TCP/IP, NOS 03/08/91 version, executable
SRC-0308.ZIP  B  580567  910309  KA9Q TCP/IP, NOS 03/08/91 version, source code
VIEW0312.ZIP  B  342093  910317  Electronic mail program for use w/KA9Q TCP/IP

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.KERMIT>
MSK-RCV.BAS   A    6627  910320  Easy bootstrap: Rcve-only Kermit pgm in BASIC
MSKER310.ZIP  B  216929  910320  MS-Kermit v3.10 comm pgm for IBM-compatibles
MSKR-EM2.ZIP  B   30433  910320  MS-Kermit v3.1 term emulation & graphics info
MSR310.PCH    A    1089  910322  Update & bug fix patches for MS-Kermit v3.10
XSEND051.ZIP  B   11210  910320  Makes Kermit script files to send entire disk
YOGIUTIL.ZIP  B   27954  910324  Chg blue color to underscore w/MS-Kermit v3.0x

ENCORE.ZIP    B    8395  910330  Records and plays back the keystroke sequences
FIXKEY.ZIP    B    3064  910302  TSRs to remap caps-lock and ctrl keys on XT/AT
PHANTOM.ZIP   B    8768  910307  Keystroke recorder. Playback to programs later

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.LASER>
4PRINT40.ZIP  B  201581  910326  Print 4 pages/sheet, wide sprdsheet, on HP LJ
TSRDL3.ZIP    B   56349  910328  TSR: HP laser printer soft font download mgr

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MENU>
WMS304B.ZIP   B   98914  910329  Waiter Menu System, configurable colors

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MODEM>
BBQWK30.ZIP   B  111276  910329  QuickScan 3.0, scan MarkMail & Qmail packets
COMMO452.ZIP  B  102962  910308  DESQview-aware comm pgm w/macros,ext.protocols
COMMOPNS.ZIP  B   10814  910329  Tag files from DIR list, write names to file
CSCRIPT.ZIP   B   13266  910329  COMMO script for running unattended sessions
MPT110.ZIP    B   63540  910329  Matt Thomas' MPT protocol v1.10. Upgraded Puma
PD62.ZIP      B   98880  910305  Hayes-compatible modem dialer for voice calls
PHONRING.ZIP  B    6695  910322  Monitor modem for ring, beep via computer
ROBO30-A.ZIP  B  190939  910329  RoboCom, automated communications pgm, 1 of 2
ROBO30-B.ZIP  B  182677  910329  RoboCom, automated communications pgm, 2 of 2
SUNCOM.ZIP    B   89459  910329  Turbo Pascal v5.5 communications program
SYSDEAL.ZIP   B    3726  910311  Sysop discount deal from US Robotics. 03/10/91
USRTRAD.ZIP   B    5176  910324  USRobotics trade-in offer on 9600 bps modems
UWPC105.ZIP   B  175381  910331  PC<->Unix multi-window comm pgm, w/server src

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MOUSE>
K2ROD.ZIP     B   23038  910324  Simulate series of keyboard strokes with mouse

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MUSIC>
WINPLAY.ZIP   B   22197  910327  Polyphonic music player for MS Windows 3.x

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PASCAL>
PNL006.ZIP    B   62650  910326  The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #6

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PCMAG>
VOL10N07.ZIP  B   45811  910330  PcMag: Encore,Palette,Speedsav,TBook,Unique

PCP-EXCH.ZIP  B   41180  910326  List of SprintNet (PC Pursuit) outdial cities

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PGMUTL>
OBERONM.ZIP   B  138496  910315  Oberon-M(tm) compiler, lib mods, docs (v1.0)
PC370V42.ZIP  B  305558  910306  PC/370 v4.2 IBM 370 assembler and emulator

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PLOT>
PRTGL109.ZIP  B   88712  910302  Output HPGL files on laser/ink/matrix LPT, CRT

DOCPRN.ZIP    B   76472  910320  Format and print text files for EPSON printer
PPRINT51.ZIP  B   82183  910326  Patriquin's advanced printer utility, v5.1
PRINDIR6.ZIP  B   32061  910320  Redirect printer output to file/screen/COM/LPT
TAPEMK15.ZIP  B   57728  910321  Audio cassette label maker and music database

DDE-10.ZIP    B   28390  910304  Dialing Directory Editor v1.0 for PCPlus 2.0

PCAP.ZIP      B    6560  910301  Saves Prodigy screens to COM files for review

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.QBASIC>
QBNWS201.ZIP  B   58929  910317  QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v2No1 2/91
QSCAT229.ZIP  B  109089  910329  QuickShare catalog v2.29 - QBasic Shareware

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.QEDIT>
AMAC36.ZIP    B  163604  910324  Tom Hogshead's QEDIT macros thru 16-Mar-91

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.QMODEM>
QMMDF-8.ZIP   B    6774  910311  Qmodem quick modem configuration (8th release)

RDISK20.ZIP   B    2595  910303  Ramdisk you can install/remove without reboot

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SCREEN>
GRABB370.ZIP  B   77124  910319  Creates .EXE files from console screens
H43EMU10.ZIP  B   30542  910325  EGA 43 line mode emulator for Hercules cards
NAB16.ZIP     B   15132  910319  Selective screen capture to file/kbd/printer
SNIPPR24.ZIP  B   20149  910314  TSR to save part of screen to disk/print/keybd
STATL411.ZIP  B   18552  910327  Kbd & disk status on 26th line (CGA/Mono only)
SWPMON.ZIP    B   20332  910324  Swap monitor screen when using 2 monitors
TDRAW400.ZIP  B  213379  910319  TheDraw ANSI editor and drawing program, v4.00
UCGA10.ZIP    B    7133  910327  CGA simulator for the Hercules Graphics card

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SOUND>
VOC2SND.ZIP   B    1507  910324  Convert SoundBlaster VOC file to Macintosh SND

ARCE40F.UUE   A    9398  910312  V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction pgm - uuencoded
CRC67.UUE     A    6659  910312  CRC67.EXE, uuencoded to ASCII
DEZIP20.UUE   A   23380  910312  uuencoded DEZIP20.COM (ZIP archive extractor)
LOOZ210.UUE   A   18037  910312  ZOO archive extract/list LOOZ210.COM uuencoded
LUE220.UUE    A    4215  910312  LUE220.COM, uuencoded to ASCII
NUSQ110.UUE   A    3082  910312  Unsqueeze utility, uuencoded to ASCII
QUICKREF.LST  A    2322  910301  Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS dirs
UUDECODE.BAS  A    5665  910312  Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary
UUDECODE.C    A    5266  910306  C source for uudecoder
UUDECODE.COM  B    1158  910312  Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary
UUDECODE.DBG  A    4222  910312  DEBUG script to produce UUDECODE.COM
UUDECODE.DOC  A    1684  910303  Instructions on how to use UUDECODE.COM
UUDECODE.UUE  A    1654  910312  UUDECODE.COM, uuencoded to ASCII
UUENCODE.C    A    4376  910306  C source for uuencoder
UUENCODE.COM  B     987  910312  Convert binary files to ASCII
UUENCODE.UUE  A    1414  910312  UUENCODE.COM, uuencoded to ASCII

TS1ST19.ZIP   B   46091  910303  Statistics: Univariate statistical measures

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL>
16550S13.ZIP  B   10166  910329  Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source
387SXBUG.ZIP  B    5436  910315  Check for bad 386sx motherboard
DPATH30.ZIP   B    6113  910331  Set a PATH for programs' access to data files
DSCOPE11.ZIP  B  106323  910329  Use PC as communications protocol analyzer
EE.ZIP        B   10252  910324  DOS Master Environment variables editor
MAXIMIZE.ZIP  B   43980  910331  Maximizer memory manager, like QEMM. DEMO
MEMBLK39.ZIP  B   31945  910331  Displays map of resident programs memory use
NOSHARE.ZIP   B    1297  910329  Small replacement for 'SHARE' for DOS4.0 users
PMK32.ZIP     B  205576  910326  Professional Master Key utilities - v3.2
RALLOC.ZIP    B    2942  910329  EMS/XMS fixes for QEMM-386 5.00/5.10/5.11/5.12
ULTRA4.ZIP    B  171465  910329  Ultra utilities; Like Norton but more powerful
UPTIME.ZIP    B    2796  910320  Time in days/hours/mins/secs since system boot
VMIX257.ZIP   B  169861  910319  Multitasking/multiuser environment for 286/386
WISDOM.ZIP    B  108355  910327  A fortune cookie program with Turbo C source
XDOS202.ZIP   B  247808  910329  ExtraDOS: Adds the commands that DOS left out

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TAXES>
QTAX1A.ZIP    B  180519  910329  qTAX: 1990 federal tax calculate/prepare, 1of3
QTAX2.ZIP     B  138647  910329  qTAX: 1990 federal tax calculate/prepare, 2of3
QTAX3.ZIP     B  155802  910329  qTAX: 1990 federal tax calculate/prepare, 3of3

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TELIX>
AP100.ZIP     B   55545  910328  Adds minor enhancements to Telix
CPD110.ZIP    B    5757  910329  Autoload of CPD protocol for Telix
CSP100.ZIP    B   23713  910329  Uses Microsoft C as Telix SALT preprocessor
TLXTIME4.ZIP  B   46487  910329  Set time and date from Naval Observatory

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TEX>
DVIMSW24.ZIP  B   37256  910309  TeX previewer for Microsoft Windows v2.11/3.0

CLEAN75.ZIP   B   74345  910302  Universal virus disinfector, heals/removes
INNOC.ZIP     B    2632  910327  Boot sector virus immunizer for diskettes
NETSCN75.ZIP  B   56547  910302  Network compatible - scan for 223 viruses, v75
SCANV75.ZIP   B   69888  910302  VirusScan, scans disk files for 222 viruses
SECUR223.ZIP  B   34278  910326  Virus/trojan security, prevents unauth. writes
TBRESC12.ZIP  B    4465  910314  Thunderbyte Anti-Virus Resque Boot Sector v1.2
TBSCAN22.ZIP  B   45739  910318  Thunderbyte Virus Scan v2.2 - needs VIRUSSIG
TBSCNX24.ZIP  B   62148  910318  Thunderbyte XScan (TSR) v2.4 - needs VIRUSSIG
VALIDATE.CRC  A   13477  910307  From McAfee BBS: CRC validation list of pgms
VCOPY75.ZIP   B   41149  910309  Copy utility checks for viruses as it copies
VIRUSSIG.ZIP  B   13476  910314  Virus signatures for TBSCAN/HTSCAN - day 67
VIRZIP13.ZIP  B   15606  910329  Scans ZIP files for virus infections
VSHLD75.ZIP   B   68765  910302  Resident virus infection prevention program

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TURBO-C>
BC20P1.ZIP    B   11303  910313  Patch file for BC++ v2.0 (from Borland)
TCPPT2.ZIP    B    6927  910313  Patch file for TC++ v1.01 (from Borland)
TCU_32A.ZIP   B  438640  910329  Turbo-C flexible menus, windows & forms entry

INDX18EU.ZIP  B   20829  910320  Indexed files UNIT (export version) for TP 4-6
INTRFC61.ZIP  B   53910  910331  Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPU file dumper, with source
PPP.ZIP       B    9749  910329  Pascal pretty printer (c't Mag), req. TP5.0
TP6XMS.ZIP    B    9799  910304  Extended Memory Specification unit for TP 6.0
TPJOYSTK.ZIP  B    4896  910326  Turbo Pascal v4.x/5.x joystick TPU source

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TXTUTL>
CC500.ZIP     B   66752  910328  Copy CON replacement, create/edit BAT files
SWPUTILS.ZIP  B  121972  910315  Does vertical/horizontal text file extractions
TSCHEK10.ZIP  B   55700  910330  Unix-like spelling checker by Timo Salmi
TSPELL24.ZIP  B  130893  910330  Full-featured spelling checker by T.Salmi
WLIST10.ZIP   B   22241  910317  Fast word frequency and word length counter

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.UUCP>
UUPC09D.INF   A    3808  910303  UUPC/extended v1.09d changes summary (03/91)
UUPC09DS.ZIP  B  188241  910303  MSDOS uucp, TC++/MSC6.0 src (03/91), part 1of3
UUPC09DU.ZIP  B  176807  910303  MSDOS uucp, EXE & doc files (03/91), part 3of3
UUPC09DW.ZIP  B   41070  910303  MSDOS uucp, raw doc files (03/91), part 2of3

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.VGA>
VGACAP71.ZIP  B   89696  910308  Capture & Bsave VGA/MCGA/SVGA palettes/screens
VGAKIT34.ZIP  B   31575  910304  Set VGA/SVGA hires 256 color modes in YOUR pgm

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.WINDOWS3>
FWZM.ZIP      B   31451  910329  FWZip v1.00: PKZIP front-end for Windows 3
PSHAPE10.ZIP  B   71801  910306  Simple CAD drawing program for MSWindows 2 & 3
SNAGIT16.ZIP  B   52465  910329  Capture contents of screen in Windows 3
WINGIF10.ZIP  B   58722  910331  GIF/PCX/RLE->BMP image converter for Windows 3
WINRES.ZIP    B   28728  910329  Change screen resolution under Windows 3.0

UNCRYPT.ZIP   B    8463  910329  How to remove password protection from WP file

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZIP>
PKZM104.EXE   B  130222  910302  Menu-driven ZIP file extract pgm from PKWare
ZC101.ZIP     B   21622  910326  Break up ZIP file into files of specified size
ZM23.ZIP      B  139884  910311  ZipMaster 2.3, ZIP file compression manager

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZMODEM>
DSZ0228.ZIP   B   85715  910304  X/Y/Zmodem protocol file transfer pgm 02/28/91
DSZ0228N.ZIP  B    4572  910304  Description of recent changes to DSZ comm pgm
DSZ0228X.ZIP  B   40273  910304  X/Y/Zmodem file transfer, EXE version 02/28/91

If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one
of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, including
the PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit
Download Central network at 313-885-3956.  DDC has multiple lines
which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (HST/V.32/V.42/V.42bis/MNP5).
This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents.
It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via
StarLink outdial.  New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually
available on DDC within 24 hours.

Keith Petersen
Maintainer of SIMTEL20's MSDOS, MISC & CP/M archives [IP address]
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil    or     w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu
Uucp: uunet!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz              BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND