[comp.archives] [teco] Here's where to get TECO

siemsen@skat.usc.edu (Pete Siemsen) (04/18/91)

Archive-name: editors/teco/decus-teco-collection/1991-04-17
Archive-directory: usc.edu:/pub/teco/ []
Original-posting-by: siemsen@skat.usc.edu (Pete Siemsen)
Original-subject: Here's where to get TECO
Reposted-by: emv@msen.com (Edward Vielmetti, MSEN)

Morgan Schweers (mrs@netcom.COM) asked:

>PLEASEPLEASE tell me where I can find an implementation of TECO for
>Messedup-Dos!  I know it won't have that mystic 300 Baud feeling that
>I remember, but I'd *LOVE* to play with it again!

I maintain the DECUS TECO Collection,  which includes:

1. MACRO-11 sources for DEC's TECO-11 v36
2. my TECO in C for VAX/VMS, MS-DOS, AmigaDOS and Unix,  with video
   (curses-based) when compiled under Unix.
3. Matt Fichtenbaum's TECO for Ultrix and other Unixes, with video
4. Matt Fichtenbaum's TECO for MS-DOS
5. Jim Dempsey's shareware TECO for MS-DOS (no sources)
6. The May 1985 Standard TECO manual in RUNOFF-output form.  This is
   a newer version of the manual than DEC distributes.
7. All the TECO-related stuff from the DECUS Software Library
8. two EMACS-like macro packages.
9. various macros
10. Paul Cantrell's hybrid video TECO (executes TECO commands as you
    type them).  I have only an executeable for SunOS.
11. Bob Ankeney's TECO for 6502 machines (6502 assembly language).

You can anonymous ftp this stuff from usc.edu,  directory pub/teco.

If you can't anonymous ftp, I'll make you a VMS BACKUP 1/2-inch
9-track 6250 BPI tape or send parts on IBM-PC floppies.  Send me a
tape or a floppy (3-1/2 1.2mb or 5-1/4 1.4mb) and postage and I'll
send them back with data.  If you only want a small part of it, like
the 6502 TECO, I can be talked into emailing.

>How full an implementation?

TECO-C (the one I wrote, Mark Henderson did the video stuff) is a very
full implementation.  Macros written for TECO-11 run without problems.

Matt Fichtenbaum's TECO has been around for quite a while, and Unix
users I've talked to are happy with it.  I haven't used it enough to
say how full an implementation it is, but I can say that it has
features that Standard TECO doesn't, including dual text buffers with
split screen simultaneous display.

Jim Dempsey's TECO is shareware, and no source code is provided.  It
is very fast.  Again, I haven't used it enough to discuss
Pete Siemsen                         Pete Siemsen            siemsen@usc.edu
University of Southern California    645 Ohio Ave. #302      (213) 740-7391 (w)
1020 West Jefferson Blvd.            Long Beach, CA 90814    (213) 433-3059 (h)
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0251

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