[comp.archives] Paper announcements

thanasis kehagias <ST401843@brownvm.brown.edu> (04/18/91)

Archive-name: ai/neural-nets/kehagias-srn/1991-03-19
Archive: cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/neuroprose/kehagias.srn* []
Original-posting-by:    thanasis kehagias <ST401843@brownvm.brown.edu>
Reposted-by: emv@msen.com (Edward Vielmetti, MSEN)

I have just placed two papers of mine in the ohio-state archive.

The first one is in the file kehagias.srn1.ps.Z and the relevant figures
in the companion file kehagias.srn1fig.ps.Z.

The second one is in the file kehagias.srn2.ps.Z and the relevant figures
in the companion file kehagias.srn2fig.ps.Z.

Detailed instructions for getting and printing these files will be
included in the end of this message.

Some of you have received versions of these files in email previously.
In that case read a postscript at the end of this message.

            Stochastic Recurrent Network training
           by the Local Backward-Forward Algorithm

                       Ath. Kehagias

                     Brown University
                Div. of Applied Mathematics

We introduce Stochastic Recurrent Networks, which are collections of
interconnected finite state units.  At every discrete time step, each
unit goes into a new state, following a probability law that is
conditional on the state of neighboring units at the previous time step.
A network of this type can learn a stochastic process, where ``learning''
means maximizing the probability Likelihood function of the model. A new
learning (i.e. Likelihood maximization) algorithm is introduced, the
Local Backward-Forward Algorithm.  The new algorithm is based on the Baum
Backward-Forward Algorithm (for Hidden Markov Models) and improves speed
of learning substantially.  Essentially, the local Backward-Forward
Algorithm is a version of Baum's algorithm which estimates local
transition probabilities rather than the global transition probability
matrix. Using the local BF algorithm, we train SRN's that solve the 8-3-8
encoder problem and the phoneme modelling problem.

This is the paper kehagias.srn1.ps.Z, kehagias.srn1fig.ps.Z .  The paper
srn1 has undergone significant revision. It had too many typos, bad
notation and also needed reorganization . All of these have been done.
Thanks to N. Chater, S. Nowlan and A.T. Tsoi and M. Perrone for many
useful suggestions along these lines.

               Stochastic Recurrent Network training
           Prediction and Classification of Time Series

                       Ath. Kehagias

                     Brown University
                Div. of Applied Mathematics

We use Stochastic Recurrent Networks of the type introduced in [Keh91a]
as models of finite-alphabet time series.  We develop the Maximum
Likelihood Prediction Algorithm and the Maximum A Posteriori
Classification Algorithm (which can both be implemented in recurrent PDP
form).  The prediction problem is: given the output up to the present
time: Y^1,...,Y^t and the input up to the immediate future:
U^1,...,U^t+1, predict with Maximum Likelihood the output Y^t+1 that the
SRN will produce in the immediate future. The classification problem is:
given the output up to the present time: Y^1,...,Y^t and the input up to
the present time: U^1,...,U^t, as well as a number of candidate SRN's:
M_1, M_2, .., M_K, find the network that has Maximum Posterior
Probability of producing Y^1,...,Y^t. We apply our algorithms to
prediction and classification of speech waveforms.

This is the paper kehagias.srn2.ps.Z, kehagias.srn2fig.ps.Z .
To get these files, do the following:

gvax> ftp cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu
220 cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu FTP server ready.
Name: anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
ftp> Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
200 Type set to I.
ftp> get kehagias.srn1.ps.Z
ftp> get kehagias.srn1fig.ps.Z
ftp> get kehagias.srn2.ps.Z
ftp> get kehagias.srn2fig.ps.Z
ftp> quit
gvax> uncompress kehagias.srn1.ps.Z
gvax> uncompress kehagias.srn1fig.ps.Z
gvax> uncompress kehagias.srn2.ps.Z
gvax> uncompress kehagias.srn2fig.ps.Z
gvax> lqp kehagias.srn1.ps
gvax> lqp kehagias.srn1fig.ps
gvax> lqp kehagias.srn2.ps
gvax> lqp kehagias.srn2fig.ps

POSTSCRIPT: All of the people that sent a request (about a month ago) for
srn1 in its original form are in my mailing list and most got copies of
new versions of srn1,srn2 in email. Some of these files did not make it
through internet, because of size restrictions etc.  so you may want to
fpt them now. Incidentally, if you want to be removed from the mailing
list (for when the next paper in the series comes by) send me mail.

                 Thanasis Kehagias

-- comp.archives file verification
-rw-r--r--  1 3169     274        197876 Mar 18 11:27 /pub/neuroprose/kehagias.srn1.ps.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 3169     274         21985 Mar 18 11:27 /pub/neuroprose/kehagias.srn1fig.ps.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 3169     274        116209 Mar 18 11:27 /pub/neuroprose/kehagias.srn2.ps.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 3169     274         39498 Mar 18 11:28 /pub/neuroprose/kehagias.srn2fig.ps.Z
found kehagias-srn ok