[comp.archives] [alt.tv.tiny-toon...] GIF site found!

posze@ecst.csuchico.edu (Paul J. Osze) (04/22/91)

Archive-name: graphics/images/toon-gifs/1991-04-20
Archive-directory: calvin.nmsu.edu:pub/toon-gifs/ []
Original-posting-by: posze@ecst.csuchico.edu (Paul J. Osze)
Original-subject: GIF site found!
Reposted-by: emv@msen.com (Edward Vielmetti, MSEN)

Howdy, Toonsters!

  Thanks to the generousity of Kevin Fenzi (kfenzi@NMSU.Edu), there is now
a dedicated Tiny Toons GIF anonymous FTP site: calvin.nmsu.edu 

  All TT GIFs (plus Index) are found in the ~pub/toon-gifs directory (uploads
to pub/toon-gifs/incoming).

(Special note:  These are second generation GIFs, made with new software, 
and are much cleaner and sharper than the originals at schizo and wuarchive)


   acmeteam.gif		640x480x256 
	The rally scene, with Bugs at the podium, flanked by the
	cheerleaders (Babs, Shirley, & Fifi) and the team (Buster, Plucky,
	& Hamton)

   buster01.gif		640x480x256 
	Buster shows us his prowess with a football ;-)

   calam01.gif		640x480x256 
	Calamity Coyote explaining the secret of hid wonderful shrinking 
	machine	("Magic").  

   calam02.gif		640x480x256 
	Calamity looks oh-so-thrilled after one of Plucky's outbursts.

   drgenius.gif		640x480x256 
	Dr. Genius (Plucky) looks on while TinkerBunny (Babs) gets struck
	by lightning.

   elmyra01.gif		640x480x256 
	Elmyra with Buster & Babs in her gentle, Hulk-Hogan-Headlock (tm)

   elmyra02.gif		640x480x256 
	This a composite gif, made up of four frames from Elmyra's discovery
	of porcupines - shows the stalk, the hug, the leap of pain, and the
	grinning, denuded porcupine.

   fifi01.gif		640x480x256 
	Fifi putting the vamp on Furrball - oo-la-la ;-)

   flirt.gif		640x480x256 
	From the intro of the segment, Babs teasing Buster with a flower.
	Buster never looked so "cute" ;-)

   furbal01.gif		640x480x256 
	Furrball reading his script (Better Homes and Kittens?) in his
	cardboard condo.

   furbal02.gif		640x480x256 
	The scene where they sing "... Furrball's unlucky ...," shows
	Furrball sniffing a flower with piano about to hit him.  

   furbal03.gif		640x480x256 
	Furrball defends himself with a loaded squirrel.

   furbal04.gif		640x480x256 
	Furrball grinning at the pet shop owner while using a porcupine to
	scratch his back.

   furbal05.gif		640x480x256 
	Furrball explaining his predicament to Buster & Babs.

   furbal06.gif		640x480x256 
	Furrball giving Elmyra a distrustful look as she tells him she's
	going to do him "... an even bigger favor!"

   gogo01.gif		640x480x256 
	Gogo, with a look of astonishment on his face as he confronts U, Y,
	and R.

   island01.gif		640x480x256 
	Buster and Babs (in grass skirt) about to disembark from the
	S.S. Tiny Tub.

   island02.gif		640x480x256 
	Buster and Hampton watch Babs do the hula, while Plucky struggles
	with a starfish stuck to his head.  
   kiss.gif		640x480x256 
	A composite of four frames from the controversial "kissing scene"
	with Buster & Babs as Furrball is about to be annihilated.  Are
	they kissing?  You be the judge!

   loon01.gif		640x480x256 
	Shirley the Loon, as she begins to channel Einstein into Plucky's
	"pea brain." 

   snezer01.gif		640x480x256 
	Nice picture of Sneezer at the bonfire party.

   thelook.gif		640x480x256 
	Babs gives Buster "the look" after their collision in the Twilight
	Zonish/Outer Limitsish sequence.

   tinker01.gif		640x480x256 
	TinkerBunny (Babs) flies through the air with the aid of her quite
	obvious "invisible" wire.  

   toonkit1.gif		640x480x256 
	The ACME Home Cartoon Kit:  The animators.

   toonkit2.gif		640x480x256 
	The ACME Home Cartoon Kit:  Some guys to pay for it all, and someone
	who just puts his name on the credits (Spielberg ;-).
   toonkit3.gif		640x480x256 
	The ACME Home Cartoon Kit:  Spielberg gets in the last words of the
	first season while being held by The 50-Foot Elmyra.

   toonlove.gif		640x480x256 
	Another composite, this time of four of the "viewmaster slides" of
	Concord's misguided matchmaking:  Babs & Monty (2 views), Elmyra &
	Hamton, and Calamity & Li'l Beeper 

   ttlogo01.gif		640x480x256 
	The TTA opening title screen, with "Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny
        Toon Adventures"

   ttlogo02.gif		640x480x256 
	The TTA opening title screen, with Babs and Buster throwing open
	their arms. 

   Please try to use FTP before requesting GIFs from me by mail, as I do not
have them available at all times on my account.  Feel free to send requests
for specific scenes, though.  

The BoingDragon

Paul Osze (posze@ecst.csuchico.edu)
|  (    )  | "I suppose it is much more comfortable to be mad and not know it |
|  )\^^/(  |      than to be sane and have one's doubts." - G. B. Burgin      |
|  (O||O)  |                                                                  |
|   \)(/   |     "Life does not require justification." - Dragon proverb      |
|   (oo)   |                                                                  |
|    `'    |      "Time is three eyes and eight elbows." - Dogen Zenji        |

-- comp.archives file verification
total 1973
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel       3628 Apr 19 06:33 Index
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel     225792 Apr 19 06:34 acmeteam.gif
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel     217600 Apr 19 06:35 buster.gif
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel     180736 Apr 19 06:36 calam01.gif
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel     191488 Apr 19 06:37 calam02.gif
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel     210944 Apr 19 06:38 drgenius.gif
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel     219648 Apr 19 06:39 elmyra01.gif
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel     211968 Apr 19 06:40 elmyra02.gif
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel     192512 Apr 19 06:41 gogo01.gif
drwxrwxrwx  2 root     wheel       1024 Apr 20 01:43 incoming
-rw-r--r--  1 kfenzi   wheel     255488 Apr 19 06:42 toonkit1.gif
found toon-gifs ok