[comp.archives] [rec.games.board.ce] "MONTHLY" Posting

bicker@cbnewsi.att.com (The Resource, Poet-Magician of Quality) (06/22/91)

Archive-name: games/ce/cosmic-encounter-archive/1991-06-18
Archive-directory: albert.gnu.ai.mit.edu:/ce/ []
Original-posting-by: bicker@cbnewsi.att.com (The Resource, Poet-Magician of Quality)
Original-subject: "MONTHLY" Posting
Reposted-by: emv@msen.com (Edward Vielmetti, MSEN)

This will eventually become a monthly posting, but as we're getting new
readers all the time, I'll post it once a week or so for a little while.


			(last updated: Thu Jun 13 11:38:33 EDT 1991)

The CE Newsgroup, rec.games.board.ce, is intended for the discussion of
Cosmic Encounter, a board game first developed by Eon Games, then
briefly distributed by West End Games, and now is being re-developed
and released by Mayfair Games.  The newsgroup includes discussions of
rules questions, new powers and game variations, and game materials.
The newsgroup is linked to a mailing list, which has been operating for
about 2 years, so that people who cannot gain access to the newsgroup
can still participate.  An archive of important information and
materials related to the game is also maintained.

Cosmic Encounter

The Game itself is rather simple: Each player has a "home system" with
5 planets in it, and 20 tokens, which start the game evenly distributed
across the 5 home planets.  The object of the game is to establish
bases on 5 foreign planets.  A base is any number of tokens on a single
planet.  Opposing players may both have a base on the same planet.

Cards are dealt and the order of play is established.  Then the first
player is directed by a colorcard to the system in which s/he must make
her/his first attack.  S/he designates which of the home bases there
s/he'll attack and deploys 1-4 free tokens to a cone representing the
attack field.  Each side in the challenge can ask other players to ally
with 1-4 free tokens.

Then each main player plays a challenge card faced down (challenge
cards include attack cards numbered from 1 to 40 and compromise cards.)
After cards are revealed the card number is added to the number of main
player's and allies' tokens on that side of the challenge...higher total
wins.  If a compromise card is played it indicates that that side
loses, but the player who played a compromise card takes consolation
cards from her/his opponent's hand.  If both players play a compromise,
the have 1 minute to make a deal.

Winning tokens on the offense get to establish a base on the planet
attacked.  Winning allied tokens on the defense gain their owner
rewards, either new cards or free tokens.  Winning main player tokens
on the defense get nothing.  All losing tokens go to the "warp" where
they're not free for use.

Each player is entitled to a second challenge if their first challenge
is successful.  Then play continues around the board.

However that's not it...each player has an alien power which lets
her/him break a rule in a particular way to her/his benefit.  There are
cards in players' hands that grant temporary or instantaneous powers,
such as freeing tokens from the warp, re-establishing home bases, etc.
There are cards that act to multiply an attack card played.  And many
more game extensions that give CE it's character and it's
unpredictability...that's what makes the game so exciting!

Furthermore, there are many game extensions that add additional twists
to the game (moons, lucre, alternate hexes, praw, flares, ...)  Many
additional powers and new game extensions have been invented by CE
players, some of which are available through this archive (see below).

Mailing List

The newsgroup is linked to a mailing list, so those without access to
rec.games.board.ce can participate in discussions as well as those who
do.  To subscribe to the mailing list, email your request to:

  cosmic-encounter-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu  or

To post a message to the mailing list, email your submission to:

  cosmic-encounter@gnu.ai.mit.edu  or
or email it to bicker@hoqaa.att.com with the following magic words somewhere
in your message:

  Submission: CE

Note that the capital S in Submission must apprear in column one, not
on the subject line.  Also, make sure you keep the spacing correct.

Messages posted to the mailing list are posted to the newsgroup, then
all messages posted to the newsgroup are sent to them members of the
mailing list.


The CE Archives can be accessed through anonymous FTP on
pogo.gnu.ai.mit.edu.  To get a file from the archive enter the command:

  ftp pogo.gnu.ai.mit.edu               or

At the login name prompt enter "anonymous".  Then at the password prompt
enter your email address.

Then, at the ftp> prompt enter:

  cd ~ftp/ce

Then use ftp commands to list (ls), download (get) and upload (put)
files.  A guide to using ftp is available elsewhere.
To access the CE Archives via email, send email to ce-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu
with the magic words somewhere corresponding to the file you want
somewhere in your message in your message.  Make sure that you
reproduce them exactly as is, with the capital R in Request in column
one, and make sure your spacing is exactly as shown.  One request per
email message.  (The email address for requests will soon change to 
ce-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu.  Makes sense huh?  :>  )

Archive Contents  

  magic words			description
-----------------------------	------------------------------------------

  Request: CE MANIFEST		will get you this file

  Request: CE NonEonAl.ps.sh	will get you the PostScript version of
                    		the Non-Eon Alien Power Cards that Darin
                    		put together for us
  Request: CE NonEonFlares	will get you the text of the flares for the
				powers in NonEonAl.ps.sh

  Request: CE WashU.1.raw
  Request: CE WashU.2.raw
  Request: CE WashU.3.raw	will get you a cleartext description of many
				Non-Eon alien powers, complete with histories,
				flares, and comments.

  Request: CE CE-convert.sh	will get you the shell archive
				containing the program that reads
				Cosmic Encounter powers and flares in a
				"raw text" format and produces alien
				power cards and flare cards in
				PostScript format 

  Request: CE PS-headers.sh	will get you PostScript files which
				print materials for Cosmic Encounter
				(card backs, cards, cones, hexes,
				lucre, moons, power cards)

  Request: CE PS-examples.sh	will get you a set of prototype PostScript
				files demonstrating the use of the templates
				found in PS-headers.sh

  Request: CE Hazards		will get you a summary of Matt's add-on 
                    		hazard cards

  Request: CE asteroids.sh	will get you the rules and PostScript
				files to create the game extension
				"asteroids" created by Andrew Plotkin

  Request: CE Prisoners.sh	will get you the rules for playing CE
				with Prisoners, Prisoner-related powers,
				and a PostScript file to print prisoner

  Request: CE RulesClar		will get you a summary of rules clarifications

  Request: CE Digest1		will get you a digest of the neatest stuff
                    		to come from the mailing list over its first
                    		19 months, except the other stuff in the 


If you have any additions/corrections to this file, please email them to

Brian Charles Kohn          AT&T Bell Laboratories Quality Process Center
Quality Management System   E-MAIL: att!hoqax!bicker  (bicker@hoqax.ATT.COM)
Consultant                  PHONE: (908) 949-5850        FAX: (908) 949-7724

-- MSEN Archive Service file verification
total 1886
drwxrwx---   2 31032    user          512 Jun 13 15:03 asteroids
-rw-rw----   1 31032    user        45623 Jun 13 15:00 Prisoners.sh
-rw-rw----   1 31032    user        44921 Jun 13 14:59 PS-examples.sh
-rw-r--r--   1 ftp      user       137216 Jun  7 08:51 irc.balance
-rw-rw-rw-   1 31032    12           6476 Jun  5 23:41 MANIFEST
drwxrwxrwx   2 ftp      user          512 Jun  5 22:27 PS-examples
drwxrwxrwx   2 ftp      user          512 Jun  5 20:49 Prisoners
-rw-r--r--   1 9272     user       159565 May 22 00:09 ftp.list
-rw-r--r--   1 31032    user         8351 May 21 19:40 asteroids.sh
-rw-r--r--   1 31032    user       116649 May 21 19:40 PS-headers.sh
-rw-r--r--   1 31032    user        23295 May 21 19:40 CE-convert.sh
-rw-rw-rw-   1 31032    12          41181 May 21 14:21 NonEonFlares
drwxrwxrwx   2 31032    user          512 May 21 14:18 PS-headers
drwxrwxrwx   2 31032    user          512 May 21 14:17 CE-convert
-rw-rw-rw-   1 31032    12         163459 May  8 17:33 NonEonAl.ps.sh
-rw-rw-rw-   1 31032    12          30431 May  1 16:23 WashU.3.raw
-rw-rw-rw-   1 31032    12          32281 May  1 16:23 WashU.2.raw
-rw-rw-rw-   1 31032    12          32768 May  1 16:22 WashU.1.raw
-rw-rw-rw-   1 31032    12          28274 May  1 14:03 RulesClar
-rw-rw-rw-   1 31032    12          12070 May  1 14:03 Digest1
-rw-rw-rw-   1 31032    12          27285 May  1 14:03 Hazards
found cosmic-encounter-archive ok