[net.auto] Dumb things while driving

nessus@nsc.UUCP (Kchula-Rrit) (06/20/85)


     One time I saw a pickup truck with a man and a woman in it that must
have been having sex, judging from the way the truck was all over the road.
This happened in California(SF Bay area).

					From the alter ego of--


ber@petrus.UUCP (06/20/85)

In 1973 (according to a panel of psychologists on Tom Snyder's
Tomorrow Show) the most common form of highway diversion was

ijg@ihuxi.UUCP (Irwin J. Gordon) (06/20/85)

>      One time I saw a pickup truck with a man and a woman in it that must
> have been having sex, judging from the way the truck was all over the road.
> This happened in California(SF Bay area).
> 					From the alter ego of--
> 					Kchula-Rrit

What was the truck having sex with?

smk@python.UUCP (S.Kuzyszyn) (06/20/85)

Two other such incidents:
(1) While trying to get to National Airport in DC
via the Washington Parkway,
I was behind a pick up truck traveling in the right lane.
It was being driven rather slowly and was 
apparantly occupied by only the male driver.

A few minutes later a female occupant appeared from
somewhere on the same side as the driver.
After that the driver, his concentration restored to drving,
sped up.

(I don't think that she was looking for something on the floor as
I was behind them for about 10 minutes).

(2) I also saw someone driving on the GSP
while shaving.
I've also sen women driving while applying mascara, face powder etc.

stern@inmet.UUCP (06/21/85)


Who's kidding who?  When I drive I get distracted by things like:

(a) the radio
(b) pretty passengers in other cars or people on the street 
    [sorry, inmet!mazur, but it's true]
(c) trying to open a cassette shell that's on the passenger seat

Sounds like this discussion should be moved to net.singles, where it
belongs, or maybe net.social, where it could be deemed acceptable :-)

--Hal Stern

cramer@kontron.UUCP (Clayton Cramer) (06/25/85)

> Two other such incidents:
> (1) While trying to get to National Airport in DC
> via the Washington Parkway,
> I was behind a pick up truck traveling in the right lane.
> It was being driven rather slowly and was 
> apparantly occupied by only the male driver.
> A few minutes later a female occupant appeared from
> somewhere on the same side as the driver.
> After that the driver, his concentration restored to drving,
> sped up.
> (I don't think that she was looking for something on the floor as
> I was behind them for about 10 minutes).
> (2) I also saw someone driving on the GSP
> while shaving.
> I've also sen women driving while applying mascara, face powder etc.

Driving north on US 101 between Petaluma and Rohnert Park I saw an
erratically driven Rabbit.  As we passed, we noticed a man driving, and
a woman with her head in his lap.  (What *could* they have been doing?)

VW Rabbits and Sonoma County seem to result in peculiar results.  My wife
and I were driving north to Santa Rosa on US 101, and she pointed to a
VW Rabbit ahead of us, "Clayton, what a funny looking dog in that car...
it's HUGE!"  We got closer --- it was a large calf in the back seat of
the Rabbit.

jc@luke.UUCP (Jon Epps) (06/26/85)

In article <1220@ihuxi.UUCP> ijg@ihuxi.UUCP (Irwin J. Gordon) writes:
>>      One time I saw a pickup truck with a man and a woman in it that must
>> have been having sex, judging from the way the truck was all over the road.
>> This happened in California(SF Bay area).
>> 					From the alter ego of--
>> 					Kchula-Rrit
>What was the truck having sex with?

 Have YOU ever tried to have Sex in a truck before? You would swerve too!
->      .      J(Where are the Mountains?)C Epps
->     / \    .^.  .    /       \  .            Benetics Corporation
->    /   \  /   \/ \  /         \/ \           335 East Middlefield Rd.
->   /     \/        \/           \  \          Mountain View,CA 94043

nessus@nsc.UUCP (Kchula-Rrit) (06/26/85)

>In 1973 (according to a panel of psychologists on Tom Snyder's
>Tomorrow Show) the most common form of highway diversion was

     Maybe that's why so many drivers out here seem to be really
jerky in their maneuverings!!

				From the alter ego of--


ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (06/26/85)

I once new a guy who told me (semi-seriously) that
when stopped at traffic lights, four out of five
New York cab drivers pick their noses.

waynez@houxh.UUCP (W.ZAKARAS) (07/02/85)

>>      One time I saw a pickup truck with a man and a woman in it that must
>> have been having sex, judging from the way the truck was all over the road.
>> This happened in California(SF Bay area).
>> 					From the alter ego of--
>> 					Kchula-Rrit

 Have YOU ever tried to have Sex in a truck before? You would swerve too!
->      .      J(Where are the Mountains?)C Epps
->     / \    .^.  .    /       \  .            Benetics Corporation
->    /   \  /   \/ \  /         \/ \           335 East Middlefield Rd.
->   /     \/        \/           \  \          Mountain View,CA 94043


How was it tell us all!

cb@hlwpc.UUCP (Carl Blesch) (07/05/85)

> >> One time I saw a pickup truck with a man and a woman in it that must
> >> have been having sex, judging from the way the truck was all over the road.
> >> This happened in California(SF Bay area).

The particular activities being hinted at in these articles
may be funny to talk about, but I have a friend who barely
escaped with her life after having a head-on collision with
another driver and passenger who were performing such activities.

In the accident report, the woman reported that she had
"fallen asleep" on her boyfriend's lap.  The report also noted
that she had a nasty gash on the *back* of her head from the steering
wheel.  Now help me, I can be a bit naive at times, but are there really
people who *sleep* face down on a surface, be it a friend's lap
or otherwise?

My friend's biggest beef about the crash -- the driver got
off with a small fine and local court supervision, meaning that the
driver's conviction (whatever it was for -- reckless driving?)
didn't get listed with the state DMV.  In the meantime,
my friend is black-and-blue and her car is just short of flattened.

Carl Blesch