brian@bkj386.UUCP (brian brian386) (01/08/89)
I now have about 3 copies of TeX that I have gotten to compile under my Xenix 386 compiler (including most of the Usenet posted TeX for Xenix 286). Unfortunately none have come with installation instructions and most have strange enough code that the installation is not necessarily so obvious. For example, with the TeX286 version, I end up with executables called initex, virtex and TeXtrip. I gather from the TeX Book that initex is supposed to change plain.tex to plain.fmt so that I can actually do something. Could anyone tell me just what I am supposed to say to do this? (NB. my copy of plain.tex came from another source, which I couldn't get to work either!) Is TeX supposed to automatically search for fonts if the exact match is not there, or is this an implementation depended feature. I continue working through the TeX book, but page 23 refers me to my "friendly local computer hackers" (that's what Knuth says) and that is about where I get effectively stuck. Thanks in advance. BTW, I am not an archive site, but I have managed to lay my hands on the following which I am willing to put into a uucp spool to you [i.e. I call you] if anyone wants it: 1. perl to patch level 18. 2. patch to patch level 12. 3. pcomm11 to patch level 6. 4. wanderer2, conquer, tesseract, warp7 and adventure games. 5. smail 2.5 + patches to make it work under Xenix. I think that I have everything working except pcomm11. I am physically moving residences and cannot offer to let you call me at this point. Sorry. If there is a UUCP-able ontario.archives set up then I will try to make these available there.