[can.usrgroup] Call for Nominations for Directors for /usr/group/cdn

mason@tmsoft.uucp (Dave Mason) (04/24/89)

A paper announcement of this has gone out to all members, and should
be received today or tomorrow, but I just noticed one point that is
relevant if you are not currently a member.  Only members of record 21
days before the date of the Annual General Meeting may VOTE in that
meeting or STAND FOR ELECTION to the post of Director.  Mail ballots
will be mailed out on May 4th.

  The exact date of the meeting has not been set, but it will most
probably be May 17 or 18.  Therefore, you MUST RENEW (or start) your
MEMBERSHIP by APRIL 26 (that's this WEDNESDAY).  If you are coming to
the Unix Unanimous meeting on Wednesday, you can give your cheque to
Dan Tomlinson (preferably, as he is the Treasurer) or Peter Renzland
or myself.  If you are outside Toronto, call Bonnie (see below) A.S.A.P.
and tell her your renewal is in the mail, and get it to the office
(see below) A.S.A.P.  The 21 day requirement is in the bylaws, so the
board doesn't have much flexibility in the date (which is not to say
we couldn't have gotten this organized a bit earlier).

  Any member interested in standing for election to Director of the
Board of Directors of /usr/group/cdn is requested to forward a
nomination signed by one other member, along with a ONE PAGE biography
or position paper suitable to be sent out as part of the election
package.  This MUST arrive by May 3!!  As /usr/group/cdn represents
the entire Unix community in Canada (users, designers, integrators,
VARs, software and hardware vendors) anyone with a commitment to Unix
and Unix-like systems is encouraged to apply.  The only restriction is
that only one person from any given company may be on the board.
There are 5 positions open for election.  The four people who are at
the end of the first year of their 2 year term are:
	Araldo Menegon	President	NCR		Marketing
	Tom Vassos	Vice-President	IBM		Marketing
	Jim Peters	Vice-President	AT&T		Marketing/Technical
	Peter Renzland	Director	Ont. Ministry	Technical/User
					of Health
The five people at the end of their term are:
	Dan Tomlinson	Treasurer	CompuSoft	Technical
	Dave Mason	Secretary	Ryerson Polytechnical Institute/
					TM Software Assoc.  Technical/Teacher
	Robin Macrae	Director	Macrae Lawyers	User/Marketing
	John Davis	Director	Nixdorf		Technical/Marketing
	Bob Whitcroft	Director	Sequent?	Marketing/Technical

I am not running for re-election, as I don't feel I have found enough
time for /usr/group/cdn, and the next couple of years look worse from
that standpoint, not better.  I believe Dan is running, and I believe
the others are not, but they may change their minds :-).
  Officers are elected from and by the board of directors at the first
board meeting.
  I would personally like to encourage people from outside the Toronto
area to run for Director, as I feel that is the best way to make this
a truly Canadian organization.  I would REALLY like to see a Director
from each of Quebec and the West elected this time, with further
representation in subsequent elections.  I would also like to
encourage women to run for the Board (one of our Founding Directors
was a woman, but no female board members in the last 1.5 years).  I
feel we need a more balanced, even keeled board in many different
ways, and both of these kinds of representation will help.

	Good Luck	../Dave Mason
/usr/group/cdn office: Bonnie Farrugia (bonnie@ontmoh)
(416) 259-8122 -- 241 Gamma St., Etobicoke, Ontario M8W 4G7

lyndon@aurora.AthabascaU.CA (Lyndon Nerenberg) (04/26/89)

In article <1989Apr24.161951.16349@tmsoft.uucp>, mason@tmsoft (Dave Mason) writes:
>  I would personally like to encourage people from outside the Toronto
>area to run for Director, as I feel that is the best way to make this
>a truly Canadian organization.  I would REALLY like to see a Director
>from each of Quebec and the West elected this time, with further
>representation in subsequent elections.

Hmm, last time I looked there were 10 provinces and two territories.
*I* would personally like to see the board consist of 12 people,
with one person elected per province/territory. This is /usr/group/*cdn*
after all ... (isn't it?) 

>  I would also like to
>encourage women to run for the Board (one of our Founding Directors
>was a woman, but no female board members in the last 1.5 years).  I
>feel we need a more balanced, even keeled board in many different
>ways, and both of these kinds of representation will help.

Gasp! What a novel concept! But then again, since were letting those
weterners in ...