[can.usrgroup] SCSI for Unix

eisen@contact.uucp (Martin Loeffler) (09/30/89)

Knowing that the next round table is around a month away, I must tender this
query here. 

 Has anyone experience with SCSI controllers under Xenix? I'm hoping for
success stories, but horror stories are just as entertaining... I'd like to
use a SCSI interface as a way to expand my Hard Drive storage incrementaly
(in case you were wondering what foolishness I had in mind).

 Thanks for your time!
                          "Knowledge once gained
                    casts a faint light beyond it's own
                           immediate boundaries"               - J.B.S. Haldane
Eisen D. Guard: eisen@contact.uucp  (Martin Loeffler)  "No Compromise  No Deal"