[aus.tex] Help! Problem with \special in picture environment.

eln272v@monu1.cc.monash.oz ( r lang) (06/29/90)

While writing an emtex driver for gnuplot using the LaTeX picture
environment, I found that items that I \put were being incorrectly placed.

I simplified the TeX file in an attempt to locate the problem.
The problem disappeared when I removed the \special commands.

The following LaTeX input will cause the problem.
The \special{em:message} causes a message to be printed
on the console by the dvi driver.






This file should print three rows of x's as shown below

Instead, the following output is produced

Thinking it might be LaTeX, I simplified the TeX file
by converting it to plain TeX as given below.

% test file to show strange behaviour of /special
% when the /special's are removed, the x's are vertically aligned
% when the /special's are present, the x's print in the wrong place


% \put is derived from picmac.tex
\def\put(#1,#2)#3{\raise#2\rlap{\kern#1 #3}\ignorespaces}

\hrule width 50pt height 1pt




This exhibits the same problem.  
Again, removing the \special commands fixes it.

What's going on here!
Given that I want to use \special in the picture environment,
how do I make it work!!!

Russell Lang   Email: rjl@monu1.cc.monash.edu.au   Phone: (03) 565 3460
Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering
Monash University, Australia