[aus.tex] Integrating Rokicki's dvips with Cartlidge's multi.ps

isaac@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Isaac Balbin) (03/14/91)

dhosek@euler.claremont.edu (Don Hosek) writes:

>Wait, let me understand what you want to do: you're creating a
>TeX document, dvipsing it then using this PS manipulator not only
>to impose but to _scale_ the pages? Urp. You're losing a lot of
>text quality doing that (even with PS fonts, I suspect). The
>better approach would be to set the pages at the desired final
>size (e.g., to fit within an A6 (did I get the direction right)
>size) after imposition. dvips can handle scaling the graph for

I am reprocessing slides from my lectures (done with slitex and idraw
for the pictures) so that they come out 8 to an A4 page.
No, the quality is not lost. They are quite readable and scale nicely.
Of course you can't use this for computer modern  as they don't scale
nicely. Postscript fonts generally are fine for two per page.
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