[comp.os.mach] Mach development status

joec@skat.usc.edu (Joe S. Chen) (08/18/89)


  I am greatly interested in all current development status related
with Mach.  Below are few that I have accumulated from folks at CMU.
If anyone on the net (or from CMU) can provide more precise information,
please don't hold back.  Thanks.

POSIX-compliant: folks at UC Berkeley are massaging 4.3BSD interface to
                 be POSIX-compliant.  If completed, moving it onto Mach
                 should not be difficult.

Real-time Mach (RT MACH): being developed.  What is its test/release
                 schedule?  Will it comply to the POSIX real-time

Ada/Ada Runtime: Ada task/runtime should map very well to Mach's
                 thread/task concept.  Hope the kernel's control of
                 threads solves the typical Ada task priority inversion
                 problem.  Last I heard, only the Runtime environment is
                 running on Mach, not the Ada compiler.

80386 port: I heard Intel Corp. has ported Mach to '386 running on the
            standard PC/AT backplane.

Multibus II/Microchannel: Anyone know any work in progress in
            supporting these two communication protocols?

Well, if all of the aforementioned features are fully implemented AND
tested by mid-next year, it certainly can be a great candidate for the
computers onboard the Space Station.

Joe S. Chen

"Space Station Freedom: Key to America's Future in Space."