[comp.os.mach] Information request

paul@dy4.uucp (Paul Burry) (02/03/90)

I am interested in experimenting with Mach in a multiprocessor system
consisting of a number of VMEbus single board computers.  Because my
specific interest concerns the use of Mach in real-time embedded 
applications,  I am trying to determine whether CMU (or anyone else)
distributes a low-cost Mach kernel without the Unix layers.  Is such
a distribution available?  How much does it cost?  Where can I obtain it?

I have also seen references to a real-time variant of Mach but I 
have not seen any substantial information.  Does anyone have any 
information they could send me?

One final request, could someone tell me where I can obtain current
detailed documentation on Mach?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Paul Burry
Paul Burry 			PHONE:  (613)-596-9911
UUCP: ...!cognos!dy4!paul	POST:	Dy4 Systems Inc., 21 Fitzgerald Road,
or    ...!cognos!dy4!seu13!paul	Nepean, Ontario, Canada K2H 9J4

walden@zip.eecs.umich.edu (Eugene Marvin Walden ) (02/15/90)

In article <155@dy4.UUCP> paul@dy4.UUCP (Paul Burry) writes:
>I am interested in experimenting with Mach in a multiprocessor system
>consisting of a number of VMEbus single board computers.  Because my
>specific interest concerns the use of Mach in real-time embedded 
>applications,  I am trying to determine whether CMU (or anyone else)
>distributes a low-cost Mach kernel without the Unix layers.  Is such
>a distribution available?  How much does it cost?  Where can I obtain it?
>I have also seen references to a real-time variant of Mach but I 
>have not seen any substantial information.  Does anyone have any 
>information they could send me?
>One final request, could someone tell me where I can obtain current
>detailed documentation on Mach?
>Any assistance would be appreciated.
>Paul Burry
>Paul Burry 			PHONE:  (613)-596-9911
>UUCP: ...!cognos!dy4!paul	POST:	Dy4 Systems Inc., 21 Fitzgerald Road,
>or    ...!cognos!dy4!seu13!paul	Nepean, Ontario, Canada K2H 9J4

   I am not sure about the first part of your question, but I think I can give
you a lead on the real-time question. The paper by Tokuda et al in the IEEE
Real-Time Systems Symposium 1987, "Implementation of a Time-Driven Scheduler
for Real-Time Operating Systems" describes modifications made to the MACH 
kernel to allow real-time task scheduling. Since then, I think they have done
more work. If you look in the issue of _Special Interest Group on Operating
Systems_ that focuses on real-time operating systems (sometime in 1988) I 
think there is a followup article on their research. 
   Alternatively, you could try to get in touch with
       - Hideyuki Tokuda
       - James Wendorf
       - Huay-Yong Wang

 at Carnegie-Mellon University:

    Computer Science Department
    Carnegie-Mellon University
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15213

Good luck!