hight@sri.com (John Hight) (03/02/90)
I face the task of developing graphical window-based software for some Suns running Mach. I'm looking for info on what is available now for running high-order graphics. I guess we'll be using some form of X as our basic window system, but X is not adequate for our graphical needs. I need something on the order of SunCore, GKS, or PHIGS. Folks tell me that PHIGS is the way to go in the long run. That's fine, but I'm hearing that Sun's PEX (PHIGS extension of X) is a long way off (maybe a year). So what graphics software is out there to run Mach (with or without being based on X)? Has anybody else faced this problem? The only other package I've located is Template Graphics Software's Figaro package. The literature I have seems to indicate that Figaro will work on X. Anybody have any experiences with Figaro/X/Mach on Suns? John John Hight, SRI International hight@sri.com 415-859-4279