(Richard B. Ralston) (08/01/90)
Where can I find a list of processors that MACH is running on or will be
running on?
I'm specifically interested in Sparc, but am also interested in finding out
what else it run's on.
Richard B. Ralston | Well, it's ok to murder babies
G.E. Medical Systems | but we really ought to save the whales!
PO Box 414, W-824 | We're putting criminals in office 'cause
Milwaukee, WI 53201-414 | it's way too crowded in the jails.
| -Randy Stonehill
Micheal Keaton: "I'm an escaped mental patient with a history of violence."
Micheal Keaton: "I'm Batman!"
uucp: {uunet!crdgw1|sun!sunbird}!gemed!starwolf!rich
DJBQC@CUNYVM (David Bressler) (08/16/90)
MACH is used on the NeXT workstations as well.