(Don Winsor) (03/25/91)
I have been slowly losing my sanity attempting to bring Mach up on a Hyundai 25MHz 386 machine. I have gotten to the point of trying to enable the Ethernet (a brand new Intel IMX-LAN\586 Ethernet board set up for thick Ethernet). When I run the setup command, here is what happens: # setup hostname = pluto.eecs.umich.edup ipaddress = pc0: diag failed; status = 4000 pc0 init(): trouble resetting board. pc0 output(): board is not running. ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS): no such interface ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS): no such interface 36 72 setup: /etc/route: not found # I have checked and rechecked the jumpers on the Ethernet board, and as far as I can tell they are OK. Is this a sign of a bad Ethernet board? Manually attempting to run "ifconfig pc0" gives exactly the same three error messages from pc0. The /etc/route: not found message concerns me also; I don't seem to have an /etc/route; does this mean my filesystem floppy is bad? # ls /etc badblocks dump halt mkfs passwd rfshost utmp badsect fdisk hosts mknod rc services vtoc clri fsck ifconfig mount reboot termcap diskutil group init mtab restore umount Any advice would be most sincerely appreciated. Don Winsor