frye@cuuxa.UUCP (frye) (08/16/85)
This is a reply to Steve Daniels. Mail didn't work. Ever stop to think, just maybe, there is a real use for radar detectors? If I turn mine on I'll know if there is a radar car ahead. I'd also know there's a possibility of a bunch of cars parked on the shoulder up ahead, their drivers are waiting to get their "green stamps". That means there will be a cop or two walking on the shoulder collecting a handfull of driver's liscences. I want to know if these cars and people are stopped up ahead. Forewarned is fore- armed. I will have more time to get over to the inside lane and stay far away from all that nonsence. I think its a good idea to have a radio or radar dector whether or not one is going over the limit. Regards, Tom Frye