[net.followup] Demise of net.general - it has to be a joke

keithe@tekgvs.UUCP (Keith Ericson) (07/31/85)

In many, many articles various folks have written things like the
following (following the quoted material):

>> It has been decided to abolish net.general.

>Who is this "It" who has decided unilateraly to replace net.general by
>mod.generals?  (get it? get it?)

>> I will be moderating the newsgroup.  My uucp address is
>> ihnp4!abnji!nyssa.
>> -- 
>> James C Armstrong, Jnr.   ihnp4!abnji!nyssa

>And who are YOU?  why do YOU get to approve or reject articles?
>What is this?  What's going on here?

My *GAWD* people! Don't you recognize a joke when you see one?!?

Keith Ericson  at TekLabs (resident factious factotum)
Tektronix, PO 500, MS 58-383
Beaverton OR 97077
uucp:	 [ucbvax|decvax|ihnp4|(and_many_others)]!tektronix!tekgvs!keithe
CSnet:	 keithe@tek
ARPAnet: keithe.tek@rand-relay